Page 19 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 19
The Cornerstones of
Charedi Culture
Rabbi Moshe
e live in an age of ide- Ideally, when freed from other respon- and the willingness to submit to a life
ology. Seismic shifts in sibilities, each of us should dedicate of financial hardship and uncertainty.
Jewish history over the our time and energies to serious Torah For most of our history, this ques-
W past two hundred years study. So it was in the perfect world of tion wasn’t a burning communal
have produced a wide range of ideo- Gan Eden, and so it will be in the per- issue, as most Jews barely eked out
logical camps, creating fissures that fect word of Olam Haba. The Rambam a living and simply struggled to sur-
didn’t exist in the past and probably describes the next world as one in vive. Beginning in the 18th century,
will not exist in the future. In our which all obstacles and distractions as European nations removed many
modern Jewish reality, these ideolo- from drawing close to G-d will be of the discriminatory laws preventing
gies offer differing responses to major removed, a place where the righteous Jews from integrating into society, the
questions such as the founding of the “sit with their crowns on their heads” equation changed dramatically. Many
State of Israel, the Holocaust, and the enjoying the Divine light. Jews embraced these new financial
challenges of modern culture. Sadly, we currently inhabit a fallen opportunities and the material com-
In addition to ideological prisms, world which demands human toil forts that soon followed.
the different Jewish communities and industry, a fractured world which At the same time, a new Charedi cul-
have developed unique cultures and demands repair and renovation. It is ture emerged which rejected profes-
customs. Setting aside its ideological difficult to study Torah when we are sional and financial advancement to
beliefs, what are the bedrock values also engaged with the affairs of this preserve time and resources for Torah
and strengths of Charedi culture? How world – as noble as those affairs may be. study. For the first time, the debate
can people who don’t live in these cul- How should we respond to the crush- between Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi
tures better appreciate these values ing reality that we aren’t naturally Shimon began to play out on a national
and incorporate them into their own “available” for full-time spiritual scale. Charedi culture adopted Rabbi
communities and personal lives? experience? The issue was debated Shimon’s heroic agenda, choosing a life
between Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi of poverty for the sake of immersion
In this essay, I will not address the Shimon bar Yochai (Berachot 35b). The and, hopefully, excellence in Torah. In
significant ideological question regard- former adopted a practical approach, our own time, the Charedi commu-
ing the State of Israel and focus solely endorsing human industry even at nity – men, women and children – is
upon Charedi culture. Additionally, I the cost of full-time Torah study. He dedicated to supporting and excelling
will only assess the culture of Israeli recommended that a person submit at Torah study. Unsurprisingly, this
Charedi society. Though many people to the normal work routine – and has resulted in an explosion of Torah
in the Diaspora identify as Charedi, study Torah with whatever little time study and accomplishment.
their economic and cultural condi- remains.
tions and their lifestyles are vastly dif- “Da’as Torah”: supreme authority
ferent from those of Charedim in Israel. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai responded in of Torah scholars
Lastly, my observations are those of an shock: “if this routine is widely applied
onlooker; I do not personally live in the what will become of Torah excel- How do we make decisions? Torah
Charedi community. lence, which demands relentless and authorities make halachic decisions
colossal investment?” Instead, Rabbi and moral decisions should also be
Centrality of Torah Shimon advocated a life of complete guided by religion. What about areas
and comprehensive commitment of life that are not fully guided by
Every Jewish male is obligated to study to Torah study, while relying upon halachah or moral considerations such
Torah, and to form his identity based Hashem to provide material needs. as marital choice, finance, and medi- A member of
on G-d’s word and will. Thankfully, in Though the Talmud doesn’t rule in cal treatment? Though many believe the Mizrachi
recent generations, we have extended favor of either opinion, it notes that these matters may be left to each indi- Speakers Bureau
the value of serious Torah study to Rabbi Shimon’s approach is harder to vidual’s free will, the doctrine of da’as
women as well. reproduce. It takes courage, passion Torah assumes great Torah scholars speakers
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