Page 3 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 3


      An Afternoon with Rav Steinsaltz zt”l

               n the 6th of Av we will   Chicago later told Rabbi Yehiel Poupko   Isaac Bashevis Singer once said, “only
               commemorate the third   that “Rabbi Steinsaltz spoke to us for   small fish swim in schools.”
               yahrzeit of Rabbi Adin Stein-  an hour and offended us from begin-  Schmoozing together in the kitchen,
     O tz zt”l, one of the most        ning to end! But he was right about   Rav Steinsaltz’s conversations moved
      impactful and colorful rabbis of our   everything he said…” On Jewish-Chris-  seamlessly back and forth, from the
      generation.                      tian dialogue, Rav Steinsaltz said: “We   Talmud to mystery novels and from
      My wife’s uncle was a close friend and   dance together, but we don’t dance the   the world’s deepest lake (Lake Baikal,
      supporter of Rav Steinsaltz for many   tango. Just the cha-cha!”   in Russia) to the Tanya. Rav Steinsaltz
      years. When his mother passed away   One of my teachers at Yeshiva Uni-  was fascinated by almost everything,
      about 13 years ago, Rav Steinsaltz   versity was Rabbi Ozer Glickman zt”l,   including science, sports, and people.
      wished to pay a shiva call, and needed   whom we affectionately referred to as   “I am also interested in people – some-
      a driver to bring him from New York   the “ROGue” (Rabbi Ozer Glickman).   times I even like them!”
      City to the shiva house and from there   Rabbi Glickman was a Jewish Renais-
      to the airport. Knowing of my fasci-  sance man; a Torah scholar, philoso-  There are many biographies published
                                                                        in the Orthodox world that portray
      nation with Rav Steinsaltz, the family   pher of the law, banker, musician and
      arranged for me to be the driver.                                 great rabbis as, in Rav Steinsaltz’s
                                       more; a man who could not be placed   words, “plastic saints” – as perfect
      I quickly learned to expect the unex-  inside a box or “classified” as a partic-  people who never made mistakes.
      pected. After settling into the car, he   ular type of Jew. Rav Steinsaltz was cut   Rav Steinsaltz, however, understood
      asked me to tell him about myself.   from the same cloth; he was a man of   that perfection is for angels; that it is
      When I explained that I was the assis-  extraordinary curiosity and wisdom   our striving that makes us uniquely
      tant rabbi at the Young Israel of Staten   who was too complex and authentic   human. He wrote that “every man is
      Island, he said: “I have family in Staten   to be categorized. He was a rebel in   a contradiction… a combination of the
      Island. But let me ask you – what con-  spirit, the “rogue” among the rabbis,   holy and the trivial. One has to inte-
      nection does a sane man like you have   who perceived the world differently   grate it all into some workable unity by
      with Staten Island?” But he was just   than mainstream Torah scholars. As   building one’s life as though it were an
      getting started. He said: “Assistant                              annex in the court of the Holy Temple,
      rabbi? Some assistant rabbis are just                             the inner chambers of which one can
      meant to arrange chairs. Are you one                              never be sure of entering.” If anyone
      of those?”                                                        has ever succeeded in living these
                                                                        words, it is Rav Steinsaltz himself.
      Rav Steinsaltz was brilliantly, devi-                             May his memory be a blessing, for all
      ously funny; he was the antithesis
      of self-important rabbis who take                                 of Klal Yisrael.
      themselves far too seriously. Speak-
      ing about the rabbinate, he said “the
      Chief Rabbi of Rome is the only Chief
      Rabbi I like, since he’s a part-time Chief                        Elie Mischel
      Rabbi.” And he had no qualms about
      speaking bluntly, or even sharply; he                             Rabbi Elie Mischel
      didn’t mince words. In our discussion                             Editor
      regarding interfaith dialogue, he said:
      “The Jewish machers forced me to meet
      with nine Catholic cardinals and give
      them a  shiur. The cardinals didn’t
      want to meet with Reform or Conser-
      vative rabbis – only Orthodox!” After                               A version of this tribute originally
      the shiur, Cardinal Frances George of                             appeared in the Jewish Link.
                                       (ARTWORK: ILAN BLOCK)
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