Page 8 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 8


                                                   TO THE


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         Interview with Rabbi Aaron         magazine that is dedicated to what the   in his righteous zeal to engage the reader,
         Rakeffet-Rothkoff                  old Mizrachi movement represented, both   he chose to dig up old communal wounds,
                                            in America and Israel – that of a unifying   portraying an overly-simplistic view of
         I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED your Shavuot   and moderate movement that contrib-  the Jewish world – Litvaks vs. Chassidim.
         issue of HaMizrachi (Vol. 5, No. 2) and espe-  uted to the stability of the government.
         cially enjoyed the major interview with   I note in particular the essays by Rabbi   While it is true that these groups of Jews
         “Arnie” Rothkoff which is how I knew him   Doron Perez (Jerusalem – In Need of Bridge   have ongoing and real ideological differ-
         as my classmate at Manhattan Talmudical   Builders) and Rabbi Ari Rockoff (Tribes)   ences that deserve public discourse and
         Academy, class of 1955. He was one of the   which powerfully call for unity among   serious discussion, this is not what Rabbi
         smartest kids in our class – a class with   the broader people of Israel.  Singer did. Rather, he set up a strawman
         some very smart kids, Gerry Blidstein and                             in order to make his point. While many
         Judah Rosenberg (Yehudah Ben-Meir)   Dr. Philip M. Fishman            (myself included) have critiques of the
         among others.                      Newton, Massachusetts, USA         Litvish model of education, these critiques
                                                                               are not well-served by needlessly engag-
         I recall that “Arnie” was the editor of the                           ing in simplistic broadsides.
         “Academy News”, a bright light in the   Religious Zionism and Chassidut
         world of yeshivah journalism. Reading                                 Litvish Jews have a great and storied her-
         about his extraordinary accomplishments   I LOVE HOW the magazine has evolved.   itage. They have produced many great
         was most rewarding.                The past issue on Shavuot and Religious   talmidei chachamim, including some of
                                            Zionism’s incorporation of Chassidut (Vol.   Rabbi Singer’s own rebbeim! Furthermore,
         In 1959, I spent a summer at Kfar Haroeh
         and Yeshivot Bnei Akiva with Rabbi Moshe   5, No. 2) was both highly relevant and   Jews of both Litvish and Chassidic stripes
                                            enlightening. Thank you!
         Zvi Neriah, and subsequently helped                                   not only walked into the gas chambers
         found the American Friends of Yeshivot   Meir Traube                  together, but also worked hand in hand
         Bnei Akiva, experiences which increased   Woodmere, New York, USA     to rebuild Jewish society in both Israel
         my appreciation of Rabbi Rakeffet-Roth-                               and the Diaspora. The civil war between
         koff’s history with Bnei Akiva even more.                             these two sides of Ashkenazi Judaism has
                                                                               long been over.
         Your magazine stands out amongst the   Important, but inaccurate
         numerous offerings on the table in the   I BELIEVE THAT Rabbi Dov Singer is one   Jewish communities, and especially our
         foyer of the Lido Beach Synagogue. Keep   of the foremost educators of our age. He   young men and women, are better served
         up the excellent work and I promise to not   is leading, in my opinion, a revolution in   through a model that has a Litvish mind
         read your publication during davening but   chinuch that all serious Jews should pay   and a Chassidic heart, which offers seri-
         will take it home and read it there!  attention to.                   ousness and spirituality. A model such as
                                                                               this could offer more than either model
         Alan H. Zwiebel                    Rabbi Singer laid out his educational   should be able to alone. We are lesser
         Lido Beach, New York, USA          vision in Religious Zionism Needs Chassidic   as Jews and educators when we think
                                            Education! in the most recent HaMizrachi.   otherwise.
                                            In it, he offered many critiques of con-
         On bridge building among tribes                                       Zachary Beer
                                            temporary Jewish education in Israel and
         I RECENTLY PICKED up a copy of HaM-  offered his view of how important educa-  Washington Heights, New York, USA
         izrachi magazine and found it to be a fine   tional issues should be tackled. However,

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