Page 5 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 5

Never-ending elections           The cause of divisiveness is clear. But   Aharon – bridge builders and unifiers
                                       what is the cure?                who can overcome divisions and polar-
      We are deeply blessed to be living in                             izing politics. Unity does not require
      a renewed and independent Jewish                                  uniformity and differences need not
      state. At the same time, our people   In search of national peacemakers  lead to disqualification. We need lead-
      are struggling with many internal   “Aharon the kohen ascended Hor Hahar
      and external challenges – extremely   and died there in the fortieth year...   ers who passionately but respectfully
                                                                        argue for their own views without
      divisive issues that touch on the very   in the fifth month on the first of the
      essence of Jewish life and destiny.   month” (Bamidbar 33:38). The Torah   vilifying others. We must reject the
      This is particularly true today as we   makes a point of telling us that Aharon   language of “sons of light” and “sons
      prepare for a fifth election in under   passed away on Rosh Chodesh Av – the   of darkness” and remember that objec-
      four years. For the last four years, the   only yahrzeit date explicitly mentioned   tive truth can include diverse views
      electorate has been split down the   in the Torah. Remarkably, this date is   and beliefs. Rabbinic teachings are
      middle, unable to form a stable ruling   recorded in Parashat Masei, which is   replete with such famous principles
      majority.                        read every year around the time of   as “70 facets of the Torah” and “both
                                                                        opinions are those of the living G-d”.
      This troubling reality has eroded   Rosh Chodesh Av.              The Torah has multiple facets, inter-
      our sense of unity. The ongoing elec-  None of this, of course, is coincidence.   pretations and opinions, all of which
      tions not only cost billions of shekels   The Torah is charging us to recall the   can contain truth.
      and make sustainable governance   life and legacy of Aharon HaKohen
      impossible but they are also having a   as we begin observing the Nine Days   In this edition of HaMizrachi we focus
      damaging and corrosive effect on the   of mourning for the Temple. At this   on the relationship between the Reli-
      country’s societal cohesion. When par-  time of year, when we reflect on the   gious Zionist and Charedi communi-
      ties are in constant “election mode”,   spiritual cause of the churban, we must   ties and that which both separates and
      they remain forever focused on the   think of Aharon. Aharon is the anti-  unites us. It is our hope and prayer
      shortcomings of political opponents   dote to the culture of our time, when   to encourage a discourse concerning
      and seek to sharpen their differences   disqualifying and canceling others is   our ideological disagreements in a
      in order to differentiate themselves   de rigueur, Aharon shows us the way   spirit of profound Ahavat Yisrael, for
      and attract votes. This is true during   forward.                 our bonds of love and camaraderie far
      the internal party primaries and then                             outweigh our disagreements. We must
      again in the national elections, leading   More than anyone else in Jewish his-  never forget that we share a common
      to a continuous culture of criticism   tory, it is Aharon’s personal example,   destiny.
      and condemnation.                qualities and expertise that are needed
                                       most in our time. At the very dawn   “If we were destroyed, and the world
      At  the  same  time,  differences  of                             with us, due to baseless hatred, then
      opinion have become so intense that   of our national history, he was the   we shall rebuild ourselves, and the
                                       “national peacemaker”, doing every-
      debates quickly descend into delegit-                             world with us, with baseless love, with
      imization, demonization and some-  thing in his power to encourage peace   ahavat chinam” (Rav Avraham Yitzchak
      times even blatant hatred. There is   and harmony among his fellow Jews   HaKohen Kook, Orot HaKodesh III, 324).
      little respectful and democratic dis-  regardless of their prior differences
      course anymore; we have lost even a   and painful disagreements.
      basic sense of derech eretz and civility   Today, we are in desperate need of   Rabbi Doron Perez is the Executive Chairman
      in our political interactions.   national peacemakers in the spirit of   of World Mizrachi.

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