Page 38 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 38


     VIEWS                                 Rabbi Ya’akov                         Shoshana

                                           Trump                                 Judelman

                                             t’s a time of complex emotions. I think   lifetime ago, at sleepaway camp, we sat
                                             first about the unnecessary tragedies that   on the outdoor basketball court and
                                             unfolded during the final years before the   read Eicha by candlelight. I remember
                                             destruction of the first Beit HaMikdash. It   the somber tone of the evening but
                                          Iwas a tumultuous time, when the last kings  Aalso the poignant beauty of hundreds of
     We asked five                         of Israel reigned in quick succession and Judea   Jewish teens sitting together to read this scroll
                                           plunged into a futile war against the Babylonian
                                                                                 of agony and yearning. It connected us to each
     accomplished                          empire that could only end in destruction. I   other and to our collective past in a unique and
                                           think of Yirmiyahu’s pain, how he was chosen
                                                                                 empowering way. Modern kids reciting ancient
                                           to become a prophet against his will to warn a   words, together.
                                                                                    I continuously seek that kind of connection,
     Jews from                             nation that was unwilling to hear his criticism,   the feeling of being a link in the chain of Jewish
                                           a generation incapable of self-reflection. I dwell
                                           on the tragic moment when King Yehoyakim   practice and community that has stretched
     around the                            publicly threw Yirmiyahu’s Megillah of Eicha   on for millennia. At the intersection between
                                           into the fireplace to silence his message, and
                                                                                 history and memory the past becomes personal
                                           how the rabble flung Yirmiyahu into the pit as   and each one of us can tap into the strength of
     world:                                his prophecies began unfolding.       our people.
                                              But then I also remember that Yirmiyahu
                                                                                    One of the most precious items I own is my
     What do you                           refused to give up on his people. I remember his   grandmother’s rolling pin. I never met her, but
                                                                                 I think about her often. She passed away just a
                                           love for those who refused to heed his warnings.
                                           I think of Yirmiyahu writing a letter to the Jews   few years after immigrating to America from
     think about                           already in exile, giving them hope and direction,   war-torn Europe. When I use her rolling pin, I feel
                                                                                 her presence, her hands over mine as I roll out
                                           and bidding them to be active members of their
                                           host societies.                       the dough. I imagine her davening to Hashem for
     during the                            of Yirmiyahu  – his pain and exasperation   her family’s safety and health, for faith to see her
                                              As Eicha begins, I try to channel the emotions
                                                                                 through the challenges. In my mind’s eye, I see
                                           on the one hand, and his compassion and   countless generations of Jewish women doing
     moments                               understanding on the other. Yirmiyahu saw,   the same thing. And I join them.
                                                                                    In the moments before Eicha, I imagine the
                                           firsthand, that our people sometimes act as its
     before we                             own worst enemy, and yet he never lost faith in   collective energy of these tefillot going up to
                                           them. I ask Hashem to have compassion on us
                                                                                 storm the heavens and beseech Hashem to take
                                           as a community and for us, in turn, to learn the   us out of darkness and bring us close to Him,
     read Eicha?                           lessons of the past so we may soon be redeemed,   with the geulah shleimah.

                                                                                 Shoshana Judelman teaches Chassidut for Shiviti
                                                                                 Women’s Institute in Jerusalem and in the Shirat
                                           Rabbi Ya’akov Trump is the Rabbi of the Young   David Community in Efrat, and is a guide at Yad
                                           Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst, New York.  Vashem.

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