Page 45 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 45

Is the Ninth of Av a

       Relevant Fast Today?

                                                                                                         Rabbi Heshie
                                                                                                         and Rookie

                    ith the establishment   In the kinah, the author states that   ultimate destiny, we must always be
                   of the State of Israel in   although the death of the victims of   cognizant of the past. As long as we
                  1948, followed by the   the Crusades are worthy of separate   have enemies that seek to destroy
      W dramatic reunification         days of mourning on the days of their   us, we must be prepared to defend
      of Jerusalem in 1967, does it really   respective  destructions,  just  as  we   ourselves. By remembering that our
      make sense to observe a fast that com-  mourn our destroyed Jerusalem Tem-  enemies have tried to destroy us
      memorates the destruction of the two   ples, “we should not add a festival of   throughout our history, we renew our
      ancient Holy Temples?            grief, and we should delay our grief for   dedication to self-defense. Remember-
                                       later”. Rabbi Isaac Herzog explains this   ing the past is the key to being pre-
      It is certainly true that the Beit HaMik-  to mean that we should not mourn
      dash has not been rebuilt. But despite   the victims of the 1096 Crusade on   pared for the future! And though we
      the complications surrounding it,   Shavuot which is proximate to the   could certainly remember the persecu-
      Jewish sovereignty over the Temple   calamity, but should wait until after   tions of the past on Tisha B’Av while
      Mount is a fact; the power to rebuild   Shavuot to commemorate the tragedy   hydrated and nourished, the drama,
      the Beit HaMikdash is in our hands. Why   (Pesakim U’ketavim 2:99).   strain and tension of the 25-hour mid-
      then must we suffer through a 25-hour                             summer fast brings the memory of
      fast on the Ninth of Av during the hot-  Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, however,   past events to life.
      test days of the summer?         explained the kinah differently. Accord-  Zechariah prophesied that one day in
                                       ing to the Rav, Kalonymus ben Yehuda
      Over the years, we observed several   is telling us that the tragedies at the   the future, Tisha B’Av will indeed be
      special Tisha B’Av experiences in won-  time of the Crusades derive from the   transformed to a happy day: “The fasts
      derful summer camps – Camps Galila,   destruction of the Temples which we   of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth
      Morasha, and Munk. These camps ran   mourn on Tisha B’Av. For this reason,   months will become happy days and
      meaningful programs centered around   all national Jewish tragedies should be   festivals for the household of Israel”
      creative services with explanations of   observed on Tisha B’Av, which is the   (Zechariah 8:19). Tisha B’Av, the fast
      the kinot, the lamentations of Tisha   national day of Jewish mourning for   of the fifth month, will one day be a
      B’Av, that we recited while sitting on   all calamities that have befallen our   Yom Tov! By remembering the past
      the ground like mourners. However,   collective nation (Kinot, 1970).   and mourning what we have lost, we
      these programs and rituals could have   Following the Rav’s reasoning, some   prepare the way for a time when there
      all been done much more comfortably   segments of the Jewish community   will be no more mourning, when Am
      and just as meaningfully with food   have questioned the propriety of des-  Yisrael will celebrate the rebuilding of
      and water in our bodies!         ignating 27th Nissan as Yom HaShoah,   the Beit HaMikdash – speedily in our
      The answer to the question lies in a   arguing that the Holocaust should be
      deeper understanding of Tisha B’Av   included in our Tisha B’Av liturgy,
      in the context of the bigger picture   just as the York massacre of 1190 is   Rabbi Heshie and Rookie Billet recently
      of Jewish history. One  of the  kinot   mourned on Tisha B’Av. Nevertheless,   made Aliyah after long and distinguished
      we recite on Tisha B’Av begins with   it is fair to note that Yom HaShoah was   careers in Jewish community work in the
                                                                        United States. Rabbi Billet is Rabbi Emeritus
      םִי ַמ י ִ ׁשאר ן ֵּ תִי י ִמ, “Who will turn my face   never designated as a fast day! Rather,   of the Young Israel of Woodmere and a
      into water…” It was written by Kalo-  it was set aside as a day to reflect about   member of the US President’s Commission
      nymus ben Yehuda of Mainz about   and remember the Holocaust, its mil-  for the Preservation of America’s Heritage
      the destruction and massacre of the   lions of victims, its survivors and its   Abroad. Rookie Billet recently retired after a
      Jewish communities of Speyer, Mainz,   heroes.                    long career as a Jewish educator, principal,
      and Worms in Iyar and Sivan of 1096   In order for our people to protect and   shul Rebbetzin, and yoetzet halachah, and
      during the First Crusade.        defend ourselves and to fulfill our   hopes to contribute to life in Israel.

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