Page 48 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 48

Ein Prat:

                       A Window into our Past


                   In the footsteps of
                   our prophets
                           n a quiet day, the Ein Prat
                           Nature  Reserve  is  idyllic.
                           A cool stream, known as
                   O Nachal Prat, flows through
                   the middle of the reserve, nourishing
                   plentiful fig trees, wild mint, purple
                   flowers, and tall reeds. The sound of
                   rushing water gently drifts through
                   the air. Along the river there are mag-
                   ical hideaways, perfect for quiet con-
                   templation. Crystal pools of water are
                   plentiful at Ein Prat; some are tucked
                   away in the shade of trees while others
                   are framed on all sides by walls of ala-
                   baster rock. This little desert oasis in   kohanim. Yirmiyahu lived in Anatot   Yirmiyahu’s hometown in the valley
                   Judea is indisputably beautiful.  just before the destruction of the first   of Prat. Visit Nachal Prat in January,
                   Only a half-hour from Jerusalem, the   Beit HaMikdash, and the natural terrain   and you’ll see a world of pale pink and
                   Ein Prat Nature Reserve has its fair   affected his life and prophecies.  white almond blossoms growing plenti-
                   share of visitors. Nature seekers can   In Yirmiyahu’s first prophetic vision,   fully near the stream. Growing up near
                   enter the reserve from several spots:   Hashem asks the awestruck prophet   Nachal Prat, Yirmiyahu would have
                   at Ein Prat, Ein Maboa, Ein Kelt, and   to identify a wooden rod. This rod is   been familiar with the unique color and
                   Ein Shaharit. But despite the reserve’s   neither a branch of a tree nor a stick,   grain pattern of almond wood.
                   popularity, many people are unaware   but rather a finished and refined
                   of the rich history of Nachal Prat, a   piece of wood, a  makel, a walking   Between a rock and
                   history that illustrates our people’s   stick.  Yirmiyahu  doesn’t  hesitate.   a hard place
                   age-old connection with the Land.  He promptly identifies the rod as   In another powerful prophecy,
                   Like many other sites in Israel, you’ll   having been made from an etz shaked,   Hashem asks Yirmiyahu to do some-
                   find several ancient ruins around   an almond tree, which symbolically   thing strange: “Take the belt that you
                   Nachal Prat. There are old aqueducts   represented the fate of our people.   bought, which is around your hips, and
                   and Ottoman-era gates, ancient pal-  ֹותֹש ֲע ַל י ִר ָב ְ ּ ד־ל ַע י ִנ ֲא ד ֵקֹ ׁש־י ִּ כ, “For I will   go at once to Prat and hide it there in
                   aces and synagogues, and a monastery.   quickly bring My word to pass” (Yirmi-  a hole of rock” (Yirmiyahu 13:4). Mod-
                   But Nachal Prat is also explicitly ref-  yahu 1:12). The verb ד ֵק ׁש denotes speed   ern-day commentators believe that the
                   erenced in the Tanach, most notably   or haste; just as an almond tree is the   Prat referred to in this verse is our very
                   as the stream that flows by the city of   first tree to blossom in springtime,   own Nachal Prat, located in the valley
                   Anatot (modern day Almon-Anatot),   calamitous events would soon unfold.  below Almon-Anatot. It’s unlikely that
                   where Yirmiyahu the prophet lived   How did Yirmiyahu know so much   Hashem sent Yirmiyahu on a meta-
                   and prophesied.                  about wood? With the exception of   physical journey to the Euphrates
                                                    carpenters and woodworkers, most   River (as suggested by Rambam); it is
                   An almond rod                    of us can’t identify a piece of almond   far more likely that Yirmiyahu was
                   Anatot, an ancient Judean town located   wood merely by looking at its grain.   sent on a short excursion to his own
                   just above Nachal Prat, was a city of   The answer to this mystery lies near   backyard – to Nachal Prat.

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