Page 53 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 53

won the election, and Rabbi Herzog   Rabbi Herzog, begged him to remove   was becoming a distracting protest.
      returned to Ireland.             any reference to his doctorate from his   The police were forced to move the
                                       name. Rabbi Herzog refused, however,   protestors away from the assembly
      Within a few months, however, Rav   explaining that “people should con-  hall so the voting could take place
      Kook passed away, and the position   sider me for what I am, not what they   in peace. When the vote was finally
      of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi became                                   counted, Rabbi Herzog had won a
      available. Both Rabbi Herzog and   want to make of me.”           narrow victory, 37 to 31, over Rabbi
      Rabbi Charlap were nominated for the   Others supported Rabbi Charlap   Charlap. Though many of Rabbi Char-
      position, and a heated debate among   because they believed him to be the   lap’s supporters remained bitter over
      their respective supporters ensued.   natural successor to Rav Kook, and   the outcome, Rabbi Herzog went on
      Although the two rabbis personally   because they believed that the new   to distinguish himself, and the future
      maintained a dignified distance from   yishuv should be led by a rabbi famil-  State of Israel, throughout his tenure
      the angry debates over their candi-  iar with the old yishuv. Rabbi Herzog,   as Chief Rabbi, until his death in 1959.
      dacies, some of their supporters pub-  though friendly with Rav Kook, had
      lished false claims and misquoted   never been his student. Furthermore,
      other Torah leaders to further the case   his cultured European background
      of their chosen candidate.       was radically different from that of the
                                       rabbis of the old yishuv. Nevertheless,
      Many who opposed Rabbi Herzog    Rabbi Herzog was politically savvy and
      believed that his secular education dis-
      qualified him for the position. Rabbi   befriended many influential rabbis
                                       throughout Eretz Yisrael, ensuring he
      Yehudah Leib Maimon, the leader of   had many passionate supporters of
      Mizrachi  in  Israel,  was opposed  to
      Rabbi Herzog’s candidacy, explain-  his own.                      Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff  served as a
      ing that he did not want “a doctor in   On election day, the atmosphere was   community rabbi in Buffalo, New York and
      English, but rather a gadol in halachah.”   tense. As the seventy electors gath-  Baltimore, Maryland. He is the author of
      Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky, a   ered to vote, the British Mandate   several books and hundreds of articles, and
      close personal friend and backer of   police were called in to control what   currently lives in Jerusalem.

               Religious Zionist                               Solutions to the Yom   1 14 B A  2 A L  3 E S  4 R O  5 15 A N  6  S E  7  A V  8  R E  9 16 C  10 H O R  13 D
                                                               Yerushalayim edition
                                                                                                        H O
                        Shlichut                               puzzle             17 H  20 A  S M O N  E  A  21 N  22  19 E  N  E M Y
                                                                                  23  B  E  A  T  E  N  24  T  O W E  25 R  26  27
                                                                                  M A  N  N  S    R  E  L  Y  A  N  D
                                                                                  28         29  30       31
                                                                                  E M E  S   H O  A  R  D  S  T  A  R
                                                                                  32      33            34
                                                                                  M A  S   N  A  S  I   R  I  E  T  S
                                                                                        35         36  37
                                                                                         J  E  R  U  S  A  L  E M
                                                                                  38  39  40     41         42  43  44
                                                                                  S  E  D  E  R   M  I  E  P  T  A  B
                                                                                  45         46  47       48
                                                                                  S  N O W   P  S  A  L  M  R  E M A
                                                                                  49      50            51
                                                                                  E  D  U  J  O H  N    R O  L  E  S
                                                                                      52  53       54  55
                                                                                       G R  A  V  E  G U  I  T  A  R
                                                                                  56  57       58  59           60
                                                                                  S  O  L  A  R  K  I  N G D  A  V  I  D
                                                                                  61           62         63
                                                                                  O R  A  T  E  E  L  A  L  T  I  C  S
                                                                                  64           65         66
                    IN THE NEXT EDITION OF HAMIZRACHI                             B  A  S  E  D  L  O W Y  E  V  A  S
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