Page 52 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 52

Rabbi Charlap or Rabbi Herzog?

                     The Chief Rabbi Controversy of 1936


                          hen Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak
                          HaKohen Kook passed away
                          in 1935, two eminent rabbis
                   W were  considered  to  fill  the
                   position as Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of
                   Eretz Yisrael. Both Rabbi Yaakov Moshe
                   Charlap and Rabbi Yitzchak HaLevi
                   Herzog, the finalists for the position,
                   were highly respected gedolei yisrael
                   and poskim who identified strongly
                   with Mizrachi and shared Rav Kook’s
                   vision for a halachic Jewish state in
                   Eretz Yisrael. Both rabbis were com-
                   fortable working together with people
                   of different backgrounds and were
                   respected by many non-orthodox Jews.
                   At the same time, the candidates had
                   significant differences. Rabbi Charlap,   Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap   Rabbi Yitzchak HaLevi Herzog
                                                    (PHOTO: ZVI ORON-ORUSHKES/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
                                                                                     (PHOTO: PUBLIC DOMAIN/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
                   who prided himself on having never
                   stepped outside of Eretz Yisrael, was a   secular education at the Sorbonne   its first chief rabbi. During his years
                   product of the cheder/yeshivah system.   and a doctorate at the University of   in Ireland, he became acquainted with
                   Having been born and educated in the   London. A classic renaissance man, he   several great Torah scholars based in
                   ‘old yishuv’ (the religious community in   was fluent in numerous modern and   London, including Rav Kook, who lived
                   Israel that predated the modern Zion-  ancient languages, and conversant in
                   ist movement), Rabbi Charlap received   a wide variety of academic disciplines.   in London during much of World War I.
                   no secular education. Despite being a   Unlike Rabbi Charlap, he was a man   While Rabbi Herzog was in Eretz Yis-
                   close student and friend of Rav Kook,   of the world who lived in the cultured   rael in 1934 for his father’s funeral,
                   who was often viciously attacked by                               the position of Chief Rabbi of Tel
                   members of the old yishuv, he main-  nations of the west, only visiting Eretz   Aviv-Yaffo, a position once held by Rav
                   tained close ties with the community.   Yisrael once to make funeral arrange-
                   At the same time, Rabbi Charlap   ments for his father.           Kook, became available. Rabbi Herzog
                   shared Rav  Kook’s kabbalistic per-  By contrast, Rabbi Herzog’s extensive   actively pursued the position, giving
                   spective on secular Zionism and wrote   Torah  knowledge  was  largely  self-  lectures and meeting with great Torah
                   many important books elucidating Rav   taught. He never attended any yeshi-  scholars throughout the land, believ-
                   Kook’s kabbalistic perspective. When   vah, and his primary face-to-face rebbe   ing that this position would enable
                   Rav Kook passed away, Rabbi Charlap   was his father. Nevertheless, while   him to move to Eretz Yisrael. The other
                   was appointed his successor as the   pursuing his secular education, he cor-  finalists for the position were Rabbi
                   active Rosh Yeshivah of Merkaz Harav.    responded extensively with the great   Joseph B. Soloveitchik, at that time the

                   Rabbi Herzog’s background was    Torah giants of his era. Appointed the   head of Boston’s Council of Orthodox
                   starkly different. Born in Lomz,   Chief Rabbi of Dublin, Rabbi Herzog   Synagogues, and Rabbi Moshe Avig-
                   Poland, he moved as a child with   was involved in Ireland’s struggle for   dor Amiel, then the rabbi of Antwerp.
                   his family  to  England  and  later  to   independence, and when the Irish Free   A member of Mizrachi, Rabbi Amiel
                   Paris, where he received an advanced   State was born, Rabbi Herzog became   received the movement’s support and

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