Page 30 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 30
How Should I Choose a
Community in Israel?
Rabbi Reuven Taragin
The decision
C ongratulations on your decision of our avodat Hashem. Moving to a Jewish more than just locations for tefillah and
education. They are community centers
community in a new country offers the
unique opportunity to expose oneself to a
around which the lives of community
to make Aliyah!
members revolve and by which members
different environment and to people with
Though you are realizing a
dream, it is important to do so a different understanding of avodat Hashem identify themselves.
– one that can enrich the perspective we
with your eyes wide open. Proper prepa- grew up with. This is generally not the case in Israeli
communities – especially within cities.
ration and planning will help your Aliyah A shul is a place to daven that may also
be the best it can be. Moving to Israel, in particular, offers an
added opportunity – the ability to learn arrange shiurim. It generally does not run
One of the most significant decisions you from people who grew up in a Jewish social events and is not the focus of its
need to make is where to live. On the one state, in the holy land of Eretz Yisrael. Many members’ lives. Many of those who take
hand, moving to a “real” Israeli commu- of those who grew up this way (especially the fully Israeli path miss the sense of
nity can facilitate a quicker and more those less connected to the global vil- community they had in chutz la’aretz.
thorough integration. On the other hand, lage culture) offer a fresh, more natural Moving to a fully Israeli community is
moving to an English-speaking or even approach to avodat Hashem that can only like jumping into the deep end. One who
Anglo community makes the transition be developed when our people are living knows how to swim or is a quick learner
in Hashem’s Land. will manage to swim and ultimately
An Israeli community We should aim for our Aliyah to emulate master swimming. Those not ready for
the deep dive can find the experience over-
Moving to a standard, “fully” Israeli com- that of the first Jew, Avraham Avinu, whose whelming and their Aliyah, chas v’shalom,
munity has much to offer. First off, it is the move to Eretz Yisrael included his discov- unsuccessful.
best way to learn about Israelis and Israeli ery of his true self (Likutei Halachot, Hilchot
culture and mannerisms. Each country Shabbat 7). We too should seek to connect An Anglo community
has its culture and customs. Living and with Eretz Yisrael and its people in a way Settling in a community of “landsmen”
building relationships with native Israelis that helps us discover a more profound, (those who originate from the same
is the best way to familiarize yourself with more authentic version of ourselves. country) makes the transition techni-
Israel. Moving to a fully Israeli community offers cally easier and softens Aliyah’s cultural
These relationships also widen and deepen unique opportunities, but these opportu- shift. Though people have moved coun-
our perspective of Jewish life and our- nities come with greater challenges and tries, the religious and cultural manner-
selves. The Mishnah defines the wise man higher risks. Settling in a Hebrew-speak- isms remain, to a large extent, the same.
as “the one who learns from all people” ing community is a major change in life- They miss their communities abroad but
(Avot 4:1). When we surround ourselves style. Many only realize the importance become part of a community at home in
only with those who share our exact hash- of their accustomed cultural norms once Israel. Understandably, those who settle
kafa and background, we limit our expo- they make such a move. in Anglo communities usually – at least
sure to what we already know and miss a One example of these norms is the sense initially – find their Aliyah easier and are
significant growth opportunity. of community. As a minority living in a generally more successful at making a
When we settle in the same country we foreign country, Orthodox Jews worldwide smooth religious and social transition.
were raised in, we generally continue with form Jewish communities around shuls The downside is that those who live in
the same cultural milieu and perspective and schools. These institutions serve as these communities interface less with
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