Page 31 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
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other types of Israelis, and therefore have consciously connect to both types of res- to speak to people personally and feel
less exposure to Israeli society as a whole. idents. Make sure to seek relationships things on the ground first-hand.
This makes integration harder for adults with Hebrew-speaking Israelis as well as If one is unable to visit beforehand, con-
and particularly for children who often Anglos, especially for one’s children. sider using some Shabbatot during the
feel that they are “neither here nor there.”
They are not truly Anglos and live in Israel, A community that suits you and first year to visit different communities
but they also feel different from native- your children before deciding where to settle perma-
born Israelis. Although Aliyah should logically lead to nently, especially if you are making Aliyah
without older children. That being said,
Though making Aliyah does not need to heightened levels of spirituality, unfor- it is important not to travel for too many
include changing one’s religious identity tunately this is not always the case. Any Shabbatot in order to allow for a consis-
and perspective, one needs to learn how move to a new country and culture, even tent stable first year in Israel.
to manage the Israeli system and should a holier one, can be disruptive to one’s nat-
ideally feel connected to the rest of the ural religious growth. Like when moving Seek help
Jewish people living in Israel. You don’t anywhere else, it is imperative to choose
need to “become Israeli,” but you should a community that emphasizes and incul- If possible, it is also important to look for
be an Israeli. We play a part in Hashem’s cates Torah values in a way that is similar a community where you know people, like
geulah process not just by returning to and to the community one is making Aliyah family and friends, who can offer help.
inhabiting His Land, but also by reconnect- from, especially if one is making Aliyah Speak to Aliyah coordinators beforehand
ing with His people there. with older children. This will help you to understand the different educational
make a smoother religious transition. options and to know which tutors to hire.
Which way is better? It is important to add that, when choosing People from chutz la’aretz are often predis-
Should you take the course easier in the a community, you should carefully con- posed to refusing help because they feel
short-term or the one that may be harder sider the suitability of the community for uncomfortable asking or even accepting.
in the short-term yet offers more in the olim children and your children in particu- But Aliyah is too difficult to do on your
long-term? own; you must not be embarrassed to seek
lar. Clarify how successful the community
The answer depends upon many factors, has been in helping olim children grow as help and accept the help offered by others.
the most important of which being your bnei and bnot Torah. It is also important There will, iy”H, be many people offering
background, and the age and stage of your to carefully consider the community’s it. This is the time in your life to accept it.
Aliyah. The cultural shift of moving to a educational options and determine how May Hashem assist your due diligence and
fully Israeli community is significantly suitable they are for your family and chil- bless you and your family with a smooth
easier for people making Aliyah at a young dren. A yeshiva or school may seem similar Aliyah process that helps you and your
age, while still single or newly-married to what you are used to, but, in reality, be family feel at home in Israel for genera-
or with very young children and with very different. This difference can create tions to come.
a strong Hebrew and understanding of a dissonance between school and family
Israel. Those making Aliyah under other that can be very confusing and frustrating.
circumstances should probably choose the
safer path. Additionally, not every Anglo or mixed
neighborhood or shul emphasizes the Scan here to join Rabbi Taragin’s
The third way – the middle path value of community to the same extent daily Divrei Torah WhatsApp group
There is also a middle path worth consid- or in the same way. In general, yishuvim
or defined communities emphasize com-
ering. Many communities in Israel have a munity-building more than cities and
healthy mix of Israeli-born Hebrew speak-
ers and English-speaking olim. Settling in large towns. Moving to such a community
such a community allows one to benefit makes it easier to feel a sense of belonging.
from the best of both worlds.
Do your research
Obviously, building such a community is Choosing a community is a significant
more challenging than either of the two decision that is hard to make from a Rabbi Reuven Taragin
homogenous models. Ideally, one should distance. It definitely pays to speak with is Educational Director of Mizrachi
choose a community that successfully many residents and ideally visit and and Dean of the Yeshivat Hakotel
integrates the two groups and has a coher- spend Shabbatot in the different commu- Overseas Program.
ent religious-cultural identity. nities one is considering before deciding.
To maximize the benefits of moving Research for Aliyah should extend beyond A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
to such a community, one should Googling for information. It is important
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