Page 4 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5783 USA
P. 4
Rabbi Doron
Machiavellian vs. Davidian Politics
srael is about to experience some- opponents are part of “the dark side”, order to avoid fulfilling their promises.
thing almost unheard of in the it is only natural to view them as an Sadly, deceiving and double-crossing
history of democracy – a fifth existential threat to our society. And voters and coalition partners alike has
Ielection in less than four years! once our political opponents are classi- become commonplace.
For many years, the Israeli electorate fied as “existential threats”, it becomes
has been politically split down the easier to justify distasteful tactics and Machiavellian politics
middle, unable to form a government behavior to combat those perceived
with a stable ruling majority. The threats. When battling “existential The unscrupulous behavior of today’s
prospects for this latest election look threats”, the ends justify the means! political leaders has a cogent phil-
no different, with polls once again pre- This past year, the mistreatment of osophical basis. It is rooted in an
dicting deadlock and division. political opponents reached new uncouth, un-Jewish mode of political
heights. Some Knesset members now interaction, in which lying and decep-
This troubling reality has eroded our routinely shun one another, refusing to
national sense of unity. The ongoing tion are virtues, undermining political
elections not only cost billions of shek- acknowledge or greet other members, opponents is desirable and political
and even encourage their followers to
els and make sustainable governance harass political opponents in shul and ends always trump moral means. It
impossible, but also have a corrosive heckle them and their families. Some is the political philosophy known as
effect on our societal cohesion. When Knesset members frequently engage Machiavellianism.
parties are in constant “election mode”, in the cancel culture so prevalent in A 16th century statesman and dip-
they are forever focused on the short- our time, eschewing basic principles lomat, Machiavelli served his native
comings of others, constantly sharpen- of civility and common decency. Florence for 14 years. But when the
ing differences and undermining and Medici family seized power, he not
delegitimizing political opponents. On top of all this, lying, manipulation only lost his position, but was tortured
This counterproductive behavior leads and deception have become ubiquitous and banished from the city. In forced
to a continuous culture of criticism in the political milieu. Politicians are retirement, he wrote works of history
and condemnation. At times, the con- amongst the least trustworthy people and drama, but his lasting notoriety
demnations are so acerbic that they in all of Western society, routinely tell- is due to his most famous work, The
result in deep intolerance for the views ing the public what they want to hear Prince.
of others and mutual hatred. and what will serve their personal
interests instead of standing for what In this watershed work, which ulti-
they really believe. Israeli politicians mately established him as the “father
Destroying political rivals repeatedly make convincing campaign of political science”, Machiavelli drew
promises to potential voters, only to upon his personal experiences and
How do disagreements deteriorate into immediately do the opposite of what political studies to argue that poli-
delegitimization and even hatred?
they promised following the election. tics has always been conducted with
When I am absolutely right and you are Others deceive their coalition part- deception, treachery, and criminality.
absolutely wrong, when my political ners by exploiting tiny loopholes in Machiavelli maintained that successful
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