Page 9 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5783 USA
P. 9

Why is the Congress being convened in Israel and   largely receded, we are delighted – and deeply appreciative
            at this time?                                     – to have returned to in-person education, which is certainly
                                                              the ideal.
            RDP: The historic milestone of the 75th anniversary of our
            miraculous State of Israel provides an ideal opportunity.   At the same time, the global pandemic ironically enabled
            Now more than ever, Diaspora Jewry is defined by its rela-  us to significantly expand our reach to even more countries
            tionship with the State of Israel, and so it is critical that we   around the globe, effectively shrinking the distance between
            all deepen our appreciation of the enormous spiritual and   Mizrachi branches and communities. It also brought many
            religious significance of Israel today. To this end, we are   of our branches closer to one another; when everyone was
            planning mega events to commemorate Yom HaZikaron and   stuck at home on Zoom, it didn’t matter if you were speaking
            celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut. These will include a “Mothers of   with your neighbor or someone living thousands of miles
            the Nation” event at Binyanei Ha’uma for Yom HaZikaron   away. The pandemic effectively shrunk the distance between
            and a Yom HaAtzmaut concert featuring Ishay Ribo, along   Mizrachi branches and communities.
            with other exciting events.
            The Congress is timed so that the many community leaders   What excites you most about the Congress?
            coming to Israel for these special events can conveniently   RRT: Perhaps not since our exile began nearly 2,000 years
            stay on to participate in the Congress which will take place   ago has there been such a gathering! Bringing institutional
            right after Yom HaAtzmaut. Those community leaders who   representatives of the Orthodox community in an official
            need to be in their communities for Yom HaZikaron and Yom   capacity in a centralized way is truly unique.
            HaAtzmaut can join immediately thereafter to participate
            in our Congress.                                  Before the telecommunication revolution, such represen-
                                                              tation was harder and less necessary. Modern technology
                                                              has created a global village, bringing the world much closer
            This will be the first worldwide Mizrachi gathering   together. Our global Orthodox village presents us with global
            since the pandemic. How will the experiences from   challenges, which require coordinated global responses.
            the last two years impact the meaning and signifi-  The Congress will have representatives of Orthodox schools,
            cance of the Congress?
                                                              shuls and institutions from over 40 countries across the
            Rabbi Reuven Taragin:  During the COVID pandemic,   world, a truly unprecedented gathering. This will allow us
            World Mizrachi quickly moved many of its activities online,   to develop international support networks for Orthodox
            enabling us to continue reaching global audiences at a time   professional and lay leaders, essentially creating a global
            when our regular programs of scholars-in-residence and   community that can continue long after the Congress is
            missions were not possible. Now that the pandemic has   finished.

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