Page 5 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5783 USA
P. 5

politicians should not abide by normal   be more different from Machiavelli’s   between his tribe of Judah and the
      standards of morality and ethics. For   ideal prince. While David was a war-  other tribes of Israel who appointed
      successful politicians, the desired end   rior who fiercely fought the enemies of   Saul and Ish-boshet as their kings. His
      always justifies the means, no matter   Israel, he was extraordinarily forgiving   lifelong goal was to heal the fractures
      how brutal or unethical. Rulers who   and consistently tolerant towards his   of national society and forge a unified
      hope to maintain their hold on power   political adversaries, a compassion-  commonwealth.
      must know no moral limits. They must   ate attitude his own senior military   Maimonides explains that the role of
      lie and deceive as needed, and should   brass and tribal leadership struggled
      torment, torture and murder political   to understand.            Jewish kings and political leaders is
                                                                        ּונ ֵגי ִה ְנַי ְו ּונ ֵת ָּ מ ֻא ץ ֵב ַק ְל, “to unite our nation
      enemies with impunity if they wish to
      secure and sustain their leadership.                              and to lead it” (Sefer HaMitzvot #173). In
                                                                        this passage, Maimonides is describing
      Most famously, he notes that for a
      ruler, “it is much safer to be feared                             a time in which all the tribes of Israel
      than loved”.                                                      are dwelling in the Land of Israel,
                                                                        and so the Hebrew word ץ ֵּ ב ַק ְל does
      In the decades after it was published,   So extraordinary was his leadership   not mean “to gather the exiles” but
      The Prince gained a fiendish reputation.   that the longed-for, future leader   rather “to gather together and unite
      By the end of the century, Shakespeare                            the tribes of Israel”.
      was using the term “Machiavel” to   of Israel, the Messiah himself, must
      denote amoral opportunists, leading   be a direct descendant of David.  The king of Israel plays a critical role
      directly to our popular use of “Machi-                            in the mitzvah of Hakhel – the momen-
      avellian” as a synonym for scheming                               tous unity gathering  of the nation
      villainy. Throughout the book, Machi-  On several occasions, King Saul   that took place every seven years in
      avelli appears entirely unconcerned   attempted to kill his loyal servant   Jerusalem. On the first day of Chol
      with morality, except insofar as it is   David, yet David twice refrained from   Hamoed Sukkot, immediately follow-
      helpful or harmful to maintaining   harming him, even though his own   ing a Shemitta year (such as this year!),
      power.                           life was in danger and he had every   the king would preside and read from
                                       right to kill King Saul in self-defense.   the Torah before the entire nation. Rav
      But not everyone has condemned                                    Soloveitchik explains that the implica-
      The Prince. Some consider it to be a   David also showed remarkable for-  tion of this mitzvah is clear: the king’s
      straightforward description of the   bearance and forgiveness to Avner   role is to unify the nation!
      evil means used by tyrannical and   ben Ner and Amasa ben Yeter, chiefs of
      power-hungry rulers, while others see   staff of the armies that fought against   The book of Shmuel, which in many
      it as unsavory yet pragmatic realism   David on behalf of Saul’s kingdom and   ways is the book of David, stands out
      with Machiavelli wishing to shatter   Avshalom’s rebel forces respectively.   as the blueprint for Jewish political
      popular delusions about what power   When Yoav surreptitiously murdered   leadership. It was David who bent
      really entails for those who wish to   these men, David rebuked Yoav for   over backwards to ignore prior insults,
      wield it. Either way, Machiavelli’s polit-  his actions and publicly mourned   grievances and wars and to forgive
      ical philosophy of realpolitik connotes   them. When the Amalakite youth and   others for the sake of unity, overcom-
      deceit and deviousness, tyranny and   brothers Ba’ana and Reichav joyously   ing the tribalism that had plagued the
      treachery, where any means justify a   informed David that they had killed   people of Israel for generations. And so
      political end.                   his political enemies – King Saul and   it was David who laid the foundations
                                       Ish-boshet – David had them killed   for the Temple in Jerusalem, where
                                       for daring to harm an elected king of   Hashem’s presence could only reside
      Davidian politics                Israel.                          among a people united as one.
      Diametrically opposed to Machiavel-                               In both Israel and around the world,
      lian politics is the political leadership   The national unifier  we are today in desperate need of the
      of King David – what we shall call                                Davidian mode of Jewish leadership.
      “Davidian politics”. During David’s   What drove King David to show   May Hashem grant us such leaders
      40-year rule, he modeled a form of   such unusual mercy to his political   who will unite our people and rebuild
      leadership so transformative that he   adversaries?               the Temple, speedily in our days!
      has become known to posterity as   David understood that the main role
      ך ֶל ֶּ מ ַה ד ִו ָ ּ ד, King David, ‘the’ king par   of the king of Israel is to unite the
      excellence. So extraordinary was his   people. David knew that killing Saul   1.  Sefer  Birkat  Yitzchak by Rabbi Menachem
      leadership that the longed-for, future   or taking vengeance against political   Genack, Parashat Shoftim; with thanks to Rabbi
      leader of Israel, the Messiah himself,   enemies could lead to an irrevocable   Josh Kahn for making me aware of this source.
      must be a direct descendant of David.   split amongst the already divided
      David’s respect for his political adver-  tribes of Israel. He desperately sought   Rabbi Doron Perez is the Executive Chairman
      saries is remarkable, and could not   to overcome painful internal divisions   of World Mizrachi.

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