Page 40 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5783 USA
P. 40



    David M.                                                    Elections:

                                                                  A Primer

                                                                           their big   identify least with mainstream Zionist
                                                                       challenges; no   loyalties.
                                                            fairy-tale diplomatic gam-
                   T       ake a deep breath, every-  bits worth taking; and no magicians   mainly are selling fallacies instead
                                                                                     This leaves Israel with politicians who
                                                    who easily can fix all matters. Even
                                                                                     of tackling real issues with concrete
                                                    Binyamin Netanyahu’s charms are
                                                                                     policy solutions. This is true of almost
                           body, and put some cynical
                                                    wearing thin.
                           filters in your ears. Israel is
                                                                                     November, as follows:
                   stronger, more stable, and saner than   Israelis are not faced with a choice   every party running for Knesset in
                   it may look over the next 50 days of   between good and evil. What they face   Likud
                   election campaigning.            is another muddy election in a convo-
                                                    luted Israeli political system where   Netanyahu and his lieutenants are
                   It’s important to say this because   negative campaigning and personal   promising right-wing voters an “over-
                   politicians are running hysterical   animosities are at a peak.   haul” of the justice system and legal-
                   campaigns that portray Israel as a                                ization of all small/young settlements
                   country in danger of going down the   Moreover, the core sociological-po-  in Judea and Samaria. But none of Net-
                   drain; that portray this race – Israel’s   litical divides in Israel remain quite   anyahu’s governments over the past 12
                   fifth election within three years – as   constant. Likud and right-religious   years truly tackled these challenges.
                   a battle for Israel’s “soul”; as a sink or   parties reflect middle-class and   Netanyahu would bring Charedi par-
                   swim moment for the Jewish people.  nationalist-centrist preferences and   ties back into government, rolling back
                                                    are sizably the majority force in Israel.
                   This is nonsense. Israel does not                                 whatever reforms in matters of reli-
                   stand at an apocalyptic tipping point.   Left and centrist-left parties (which   gion and state were introduced by the
                   The contours of Israeli diplomatic,   has included, in recent decades, Labor,   outgoing Yamina-Yesh Atid coalition
                   economic, and social policy are rela-  Kadima, Zionist Union, Yesh Atid, Blue-  government.
                   tively constricted by the realities of   White, and now National Unity) rep-  Yesh Atid
                   the times – including uncertain global   resent the upper-income echelons of   Yair Lapid promises to “protect” the
                   leadership, regional threats (mainly   society and are a shrinking minority.  justice system from right-wing chal-
                   from Iran), the fecklessness of Israel’s   In any case, neither “side” of the polit-  lenges and to maintain good relations
                   Palestinian neighbors, and the struc-  ical divide is likely to be succeed at   with Israel’s democratic (and Demo-
                   tural limitations (some would say, the
        A member of   inertia and lethargy) of Israeli coali-  forming a 61-seat majority coalition   cratic) partners abroad by preserv-
        the Mizrachi   tion politics.               in Knesset without reliance on either   ing the two-state option for a future
     Speakers Bureau                                Arab or Charedi parties – which rep-  moment when the Palestinians might  Consequently, most Israelis realize   resent the poorest segments of Israeli   be willing to compromise with Israel.
          speakers  there are no magical solutions to   society and the two segments that   But Lapid has no clear defense policy

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