Page 42 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5783 USA
P. 42

Sukkot and Hakhel:

                    The Election Antidote

    Rabbi Shalom

                               hen we sit together with   Every seven years, upon the conclu-  Although the event at Sinai took place
                               friends and family in   sion of the Shemitta year, the Jewish   long ago, the unity of our nation is
                               our sukkah, it is worth   people perform the mitzvah of hakhel   eternally  fundamental  to  our  mis-
                   Wreflecting on its fasci-        during the holiday of Sukkot. Hakhel   sion and our identity. This message,
                   nating uniqueness. It is a merging of   is derived from the word kahal, con-  perhaps more than any other, is the
                   opposites, a physical structure that   gregation, for at this event all of Am   essential teaching of Sukkot.
                   is suffused with spirituality. On the   Yisrael would gather together as one in   Just a few days after Sukkot, the
                   one hand, we leave the comforts of   Jerusalem to hear words of the Torah.
                   our permanent home and dwell in a   “Assemble the people, the men and   people of Israel will once again vote for
                                                                                     a new government. Elections typically
                   temporary, less comfortable dwell-  the women and the little ones… that   invite divisiveness and often antago-
                   ing for seven days – a reminder that   they may hear, and that they may   nism. This Sukkot, as we celebrate the
                   our physical existence is temporary   learn, and fear the L-rd your G-d, and   mitzvah of hakhel, let us impress upon
                   and that only our spiritual values   observe to do all the words of this law”
                   and accomplishments are eternal.   (Devarim 31:12).               ourselves and those around us the
                                                                                     significance of achdut and coalition,
                   Yet it is the physical structure of the   The Gemara explains that the reason   of working together to strengthen our
                   sukkah which unifies us as we huddle   small children were brought to par-  holy nation, physically and spiritually,
                   together within the small confines of   ticipate in this mitzvah, even though   in the years ahead.
                   its walls, recalling the way our forefa-
                   thers were surrounded and protected   they are not obligated in the mitzvot,
                                                    is “to give reward to those who bring
                   by the Clouds of Glory for forty years   them”. But I believe there is another   Rabbi Shalom Hammer is a lecturer for the
                   in the wilderness.                                                IDF as well as the founder and director of
                                                    important reason for bringing the   Makom Meshutaf which offers non-coercive
                   A kosher sukkah requires two compo-  children. While children might not be   Jewish educational programming for Pre-Mil-
                   nents: the schach (thatched roof) and   obligated in mitzvot, they are highly   itary Academies, under the auspices of World
                   walls. Rav Yaakov  Ariel explains that   impressionable. By witnessing the   Mizrachi. Rabbi Hammer champions suicide
                   the schach above us represents the   massive gathering of hakhel, they learn   prevention and has authored ten books. Learn
                   spiritual realm of the heavens, protect-  to appreciate not only the event itself,   more at
                   ing us from natural elements such as   but also what it means to be part of a
                   rain and sun, whereas the walls of the   great nation.
                   sukkah represent the physical realm of
                   mankind, protecting us from threats   In a similar vein, every
                                                    year we stand during the
                   here on earth, as a fortress surrounds
                   and protects its soldiers or inhabitants.   reading of the Ten Com-
                                                    mandments, reen-
                   Together, the walls and schach bind the   acting  Am Yisrael’s
                   physical realm of man with the spir-
                   itual realm of Hashem. Interestingly,   acceptance of the
                                                    Torah at Sinai
                   the majority of the laws of the sukkah
                   concern the walls, implying that our   as one uni-
                                                    fied people.
                   focus must be on sanctifying our world
                   below in order to build a partnership
                   with Hashem above.
                   The merging of opposites represented
                   by the sukkah is also expressed through
                   one of the holiday’s most important
        A member of   themes: achdut, solidarity. Whereas the
        the Mizrachi
     Speakers Bureau  schach and walls represent the merg-
                   ing of heaven and earth, achdut is the  unity and merging of people.

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