Page 182 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 182

180 · Hilchot Pe’ot Harosh                                         Tzurba M’Rabanan

                                    Further Iyun

                        Allowing One’s Pe’ot Harosh to be Removed:
                              The Laws of Mesaye’a in Halacha

                  Rav Jeremy Koolyk (Participant, the Manhigut Toranit Program)

           )זכ:טי ארקיו( ”םכשאר תאפ ופקת אל“                 .לכה ירבדו עייסמב :רמוא ישא בר .לכה
        In this pasuk, the Torah prohibits Jew-           “A Tanna taught before Rav Chisda: Both
        ish men from rounding the “corners” of            the makif (he who removes the hair) and
        their heads. The Talmud  explains that            the nikaf (he whose hair is removed) re-
        the intention of this pasuk is to prohib-         ceive lashes. Said (Rav Chisda) to him:
        it making a uniform hairline between              ‘Does one who eats dates from a sieve get
        one’s temple and the bare skin above              lashed? According to whom is your state-
        one’s ear by removing the hair between these two   ment? Rabbi Yehuda, who says one receives
        points. Rambam  writes that the clergymen of   lashes for violating a negative commandment
        avoda zara used to shave their heads in this man-  that has no action. Rava said: (The Tanna re-
        ner, and thus the Torah prohibited doing so in   fers to a case in which) one removes his own
        order to distance the Jewish people from avoda   hair, and his statement is agreed upon by every-
        zara practices. In this article, we will first explore   one (even those who disagree with Rabbi Ye-
        to whom this negative commandment (lav) ap-  huda). Rav Ashi said: (The Tanna refers to a
        plies and then discuss both the local and global   case in which the nikaf) is assisting (the makif)
        ramifications of our conclusions.            and his statement is agreed upon by everyone
          From the terminology of the pasuk, ופקת אל,   (even those who disagree with Rabbi Yehuda).”
        our first instinct is that this commandment is di-  From the Talmud, it appears evident that the nikaf
        rected toward the ףיקמ, the one who removes the   also violates a lav since the Tanna states that there
        שארה תואפ, “corners of the head” (as opposed to   are instances in which the nikaf receives lashes.
        the ףקינ, the one whose תואפ are removed), i.e.,   Apparently, the nikaf has somehow also violated
        the barber. Nonetheless, the Talmud (Makkot   the commandment of ופקת אל. Rashi offers two
        20b) may indicate differently:
                                                  explanations as to how the words ופקת אל can
           ףקינה דחאו ףיקמה דחא :אדסח ברד הימק אנת ינת  suggest that there is a negative commandment
           ?יקל אליבראב ירמת ליכאד ןאמ :היל רמא .הקול  which devolves upon the nikaf:
           וב ןיאש ואל :רמאד ,איה הדוהי יבר ?ינמ :ךל רמאד  1.  The term  ופקת  אל does not mean merely
           ירבדו ומצעל ףיקמב :רמוא אבר .וילע ןיקול השעמ
                                                      ‘do not round of the corners of’, but rather
                                                      it also means ‘do not allow one to round the
                                                      corners of (one’s own head),’ thus including

        1.  Makkot 20b
        2.  Sefer HaMitzvot, Lo Taaseh 43; Hilchot Avoda Zara 12:1

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