Page 215 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 215

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                     ןקזה תואפ תוכלה · 213

        Another Possibility of Understanding the   manner as a razor itself?
        Definition of Giluach/Shaving                The  Rambam writes:  “Therefore, if he
        The Meiri has an interesting explanation, which   shaved his beard with a scissors similar to a blade,
        can  be  understood  in  two  ways:   “If  this  pro-  he is exempt.” The  Sefer HaChinuch  under-
        cedure was done with a melaket and rehitny and   stands from the Rambam’s usage of “exempt”
        other similar tools, which are used to pluck the   that he held that it is still prohibited on a rabbin-
        hair and remove it from the root, one is exempt,   ic level.   14
        as this is not shaving. What is shaving that in-  The Kesef Mishneh  argues that the Rambam
        volves destroying? This is the razor.” It is clear   holds that using scissors similar to a blade is com-
        from the contrast he makes between melaket and   pletely permissible. The Rambam stated that one
        rehitny and a razor that “shaving” is the manner   is exempt, rather than stating it is permitted be-
        of action. In other words, what differentiates   cause the wording of the sugya is also “exempt,”
        between  melaket  and  rehitny  and a razor is the   even though it really means permitted, and the
        manner of use, and not the frequency of use, as   Rambam followed the wording of the sugya. In
        opined by Tosafot.                        the same vein, the Shulchan Aruch  rules that
          As  opposed  to  Tosafot,  who  explain  that  if   scissors like a blade is permitted. From the Ge-
                                                  mara in Makkot above, it seems that scissors are
        it’s not frequently used, it cannot be considered   permitted, since, even though they involve shav-
        shaving, the Meiri seems to be focusing on the   ing, they do not involve marring. Seemingly then,
        fact that this action of pulling individual hairs dif-  “scissors like a blade” would also be permitted be-
        fers from the usual action of shaving.    cause they do not completely remove and “mar”
          There are two ways of understanding the   the hair in the way that a razor does.
        Meiri: First, one can say that the difference is be-  After clarifying these terms, we can now dis-
        tween tools used to cut hair that function by cut-  cuss shaving with an electric shaver. A large group
        ting a large quantity of hair, which is considered   of modern poskim agree that modern shavers in-
        shaving, and melaket and rehitny, which work by   volve  hashchata.  Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz
        plucking  each hair individually. Alternatively,   shlita  writes very clearly that “it is very evident
        one could explain that the distinction is between   to all that a shaver destroys the skin… anybody
        tools that cut the hair and tools that pull the hair   looking at a man who shaved with a shaver, even
        from its root, which is not considered shaving.  the types that are not as sophisticated, can see

        Application of These Definitions to the   that his face is cleanly shaven.”
                                                     If there is no heter for modern shavers in terms
        Halachic Status of Electric Shavers       of  hashchata (according to these  poskim), per-
        One final term must be clarified before under-  haps there is room for leniency in terms of how
        standing how this all relates to electric shavers:   one defines shaving.
        “רעת  ןיעכ  םיירפסמ”, scissors like a blade. Is a
        scissors used like a razor forbidden in the same   Based on Tosafot’s definition that shaving is
                                                  defined by the frequency of the use of the specific

        11.  Masechet Kiddushin 35b
        12.  Hilchot Avoda Zara 12:7
        13.   Mitzva 252
        14.   On Rambam, ibid.
        15.  Shulchan Aruch, Y.D. 181:10
        16.  Melumadei Milchama, page 281

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