Page 251 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 251

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                         םירופ תוכלה · 249

                 Zecher Lemachazit Hashekel

        There is an ancient custom practiced to this day that is cited in the Rema to give tzedaka (charity) every
        year before reciting Mincha on Ta’anit Esther. This tzedaka is known as the zecher lemachazit hashekel, a
        remembrance of the half shekel donation that would be given annually to the Beit Hamikdash. Nowadays,
        instead of the money going to the Beit Hamikdash, it is given to the poor. 5

        a    Rema, Orach Chaim 694:1                               א:דצרת ח"וא | א”מר    4 .
        Some say that before Purim one should give a half coin from   ןמ  תיצחמ  םירופ  םדוק  ןתיל  שיש  ,םירמוא  שי
        the commonly used currency in that locale and that time, as   רכז  ,ןמז  ותואבו  םוקמ  ותואב  עובקה  עבטמה
        a remembrance for the machazit hashekel that was given in    רחאמו  ;רדאב  ןינתונ  ויהש  לקשה  תיצחמל
        [the month of] Adar. Since the word teruma is written three    ןתיל שי ,השרפב המורת בותכ םימעפ השלשש
        times in that parsha, one should give three. One should give    ,החנמ םיללפתמש םדוק םירופ לילב ונתיל שיו ;’ג
        it on the eve of Purim before reciting Mincha,  and this is    קר ונתיל בייח ןיאו …ולא תונידמ לכב ןיגהונ ןכו
        the custom in all these lands… and only one who is at least
        twenty years old is obligated to give it.                   .הלעמלו םירשע ןבמ אוהש ימ

        Although the Rema states that the custom is that only those age twenty and older give, the Mishna Berura
        quotes other opinions as well, and concludes that the custom is to give even for a fetus.

        a    Mishna Berura 694:5                                 ה:דצרת | הרורב הנשמ     5 .
        From twenty years and older – This is the opinion of Rav   לבא ארונטרבמ ע”ר תעדל והז – הלעמלו ’כ ןבמ
        Ovadia of Bartenura, but the Tosafot Yom Tov writes that   ג”י ןבמד ל”סו םיקלוח םיקסופהש בתכ ט”יותה
        the poskim disagree and hold that from age thirteen, when    לקשה תיצחמב בייח שיא ללכב אוהש הלעמלו
        one is already included in the category of a man [ish], one    אוה  גהנמה  לבא  אנידמ  קר  הז  לכד  בתכ  ר”או
        is obligated in [the mitzva of]  machatzit  hashekel.  The    דעב תרבועמ השאו םינטקה וינב דעב וליפא ןתיל
        Eliyah Rabba writes that this is all according to the letter    לוקשל ויבא ליחתהש ןטק לכ הנשמב אתיא הדלו
        of the law, but the custom is to give even on behalf of one’s
        young boys, and a pregnant woman gives on behalf of her           .קסופ וניא בוש ודי לע
        fetus. It is brought in the Mishna (Shekalim 1:3) that once
        a father started giving on behalf of a minor, he should not
        stop afterward.

        5.   Ideally, this money should not be given as part of one’s ma’aser kesafim, 10% of one’s income that is customarily given for tzedaka.
        6.   In Jerusalem, where Purim is celebrated on the 15  of Adar, the money for zecher lemachatzit hashekel is customarily given by some at Mincha
           on the 14  of Adar (Halichot Shlomo), while others give it on Ta’anit Esther (Luach Eretz Yisrael of Rav Tuchachinsky). [Addition of the editors
           of the English edition]
        7.   The mention of age thirteen and a “man” seems to indicate that according to the Mishna Berura, females are not obligated to give the zecher
           lemachatzit hashekel even according to the Tosafot Yom Tov. Nevertheless, the prevalent custom is to give on their behalf as well, since the Torah
           states (see Shemot 30:15) that the machatzit hashekel provides atonement, which benefits them as well (Kaf Hachaim 694:27; Piskei Teshuvot
           Siman 694, #4).

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