Page 255 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 255
ןנברמ אברוצ םירופ תוכלה · 253
The Beracha of Harav et Riveinu
In addition to the blessings recited prior to reading the Megilla, the Gemara indicates that there is also a
blessing recited following the completion of the reading and clarifies the wording of this beracha.
h Masechet Megilla 21b :אכ הליגמ תכסמ . 13
What blessing is recited after the reading of the Megilla in places וניהלא ’ה התא ךורב“ ?ךרבמ יאמ הירחאל
where it is customary to recite such a blessing? Blessed are You, Lord ןדהו ונביר תא ברה )לאה( םלועה ךלמ
our God, King of the universe, the God Who pleads our cause ונל ערפנהו ונתמקנ תא םקונהו ונניד תא
[harav et riveinu], and Who judges our claim, and Who avenges ,ונשפנ יביוא לכל לומג םלשמהו ונירצמ
our vengeance, and Who punishes our foes, and Who brings ”.םהירצ לכמ לארשיל ערפנה ’ה התא ךורב
retribution to all our enemies. Blessed are You, Lord, Who, on :אפפ בר רמא ”.עישומה לאה“ :רמא אבר
behalf of Israel, exacts punishment from all of their foes. Rava ’ה התא ךורב“ :והייורתל והנירמינ ךכלה
said: The conclusion of the blessing is as follows: Blessed are you,
Lord, the God Who brings salvation. Rav Pappa said: Therefore, ”.עישומה לאה םהירצ לכמ לארשיל ערפנה
since there are two opinions on the matter, we should say both of
them: Blessed are you, Lord, Who, on behalf of Israel, exacts
punishment from all their foes; the God Who brings salvation.
The Shulchan Aruch rules accordingly that this beracha is recited following the reading. The Rema though
adds a limitation that it should not be recited by an individual.
a Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 692:1 א:בצרת ח״וא | ע״וש . 14
Afterwards the custom is to recite the beracha: Who pleads our .’וכו ונביר תא ברה :ךרבל ןיגהונ הירחאלו
cause [harav et riveinu]… If one recited neither the berachot .אצי ,הירחאל אלו הינפל אל ךריב אל םא
before or after, one has fulfilled [one’s obligation.] Rema: One .רובצב אלא הירחא ךרבל ןיאו… :הגה
should only recite the beracha afterwards in public [i.e., a minyan].
The Aruch HaShulchan explains the reason behind the Rema’s ruling, but writes that the common custom is
to recite it nevertheless even in private.
a Aruch HaShulchan, Orach Chaim 692 בצרת ח״וא | ןחלושה ךורע . 15
Our teacher the Rema wrote that the beracha afterwards must only אלא הניא הירחאלש הכרבד ,א”מרה וניבר בתכ
be recited in public. One can suggest that the reason is because אכייש הניאד ןויכד ,םעטה ל”יו .ל”כע רוביצב
the beracha is not connected to the Megilla [itself]; rather, it is a ימוסרפ םושמ האדוה תכרב איה אלא הליגמל
beracha of thanksgiving to publicize the miracle, hence it was only םוסריפ שיש ,רוביצב אלא הנקתנ אל ,אסינ
instituted in public, where there is publicity [in reading it], but ימלשורי םשב הז ואיבהש ,עדו .דיחיב אלו
not in private. And know that this was brought in the name of the ,ימלשוריב הז יתאצמ אל ינאו .]ח”א םשב י”ב[
Yerushalmi, but I didn’t find it in the Yerushalmi, and no Rishon
mentioned this [limitation], and the Shibolei Haleket cites the ילבשבו ,הז וריכזה אל םינושארהמ דחא םשו
custom of the two yeshivot [in Bavel] to recite this beracha even הירחאל ךרבל תובישי יתש גהנמ איבמ טקלה
in private, and this seems to be the accepted custom. :םלועה גהנמ ןכש המודמכו דיחיב םג
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