Page 256 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 256
254 · Hilchot Purim Tzurba M’Rabanan
However, the Biur Halacha rules that one should not recite this beracha with less than ten individuals, and
this is also the ruling of the Yalkut Yosef (Purim p. 310). 9
a Biur Halacha, Siman 692 בצרת | הכלה רואיב . 16
…Now the Beit Yosef brings the Orchot Chaim who writes this ןכ בתכ םייח תוחראד בתכ ףסוי תיבב הנה…
in the name of the Yerushalmi, but see the Eliya Rabba who חיכוהד הבר הילאב ןייעו ,ימלשוריה םשב
proves from many poskim that one does recite a beracha even ןייעו .דיחיב וליפא ךרבמד םיקסופ המכמ
if [reading] in private. And see the Biur Hagra who states that ,היאר ןיא ןכ םג ימלשורימד ,א”רגה רואיבב
there is no proof from the Yerushalmi, for [the passage discussed] םוקמ לכמו .הרותה תכרבא אלא יאק אלד
was referring to birkat hatorah. Nevertheless, it seems that one ואלבד ,הירחא ךרבל יאדכ ןיאד הארנ
shouldn’t recite a beracha afterwards, for in any event this beracha
is not an obligation even in public, and is dependent on custom, תיבויח הניא רובצב וליפא וז הכרבה יכיה
as is brought in the Gemara. Now who can claim that today the רמאי ימו ,ארמגב אתיאדכ אגהנמב אילתו
custom has spread to include even an individual [reciting the ןכו .דיחיב ךרבל םויהכ גהנמה טשפתנד
beracha]? The Pri Megadim writes in a similar vein [not to recite :לקהל תוכרב קפסד ,םידגמ ירפה בתכ
it] since uncertainties concerning berachot are resolved leniently.
The Obligation of Megilla Reading for Women and Children
One might have thought that women should be exempt from the obligation of reading the Megilla since
it is a time-bound mitzva. Nevertheless, the Gemara explains that they are obligated due to a logical
consideration: They too were part of the miracle.
h Masechet Megilla 4a .ד הליגמ תכסמ . 17
And Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: Women are obligated תובייח םישנ יול ןב עשוהי יבר רמאו
in the reading of the Megilla for they too were part of the .סנה ותואב ויה ןה ףאש הליגמ ארקמב
miracle. 10
Although women are obligated in the mitzva, the Rishonim dispute whether women may read the Megilla
on behalf of men.
r Tur, Orach Chaim 689 טפרת ח״וא | רוט . 18
Everyone is obligated in the reading of the Megilla… and women ימנ םישנו …הליגמ תאירקב ןיבייח לכה
are also obligated in the reading. Rashi explains that they can תואיצומש ,י”שר שריפו ,התאירקב תובייח
9. Poskim discuss whether this beracha should be recited for a group of ten women listening to the Megilla (which is often the case at a second
Megilla reading held later than the primary one), as the Rema (690:18) notes that it is possible that women might count for a minyan with regard
to Megilla reading. Although there are different practices, it seems that the more widely accepted ruling is for the beracha to be recited. See Mikraei
Kodesh (Rav T.P. Frank), Purim 35; Responsa Yabia Omer 8, O.C. 56:4; Piskei Teshuvot 692:4; Peninei Halacha, Zemanim 15:12, footnote #17.
[Addition of the editors of the English edition]
10. See Tosafot here who cites two explanations for this concept: The first follows the simple reading of the text that the women were also saved from
the decree to kill all of the Jews, while the second explanation is that the miracle was actually enabled through a woman, i.e., Esther.
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