Page 261 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 261

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                         םירופ תוכלה · 259

        If the Megilla was entirely kosher but the ba’al korei omitted a verse, it seems from the Gemara that those
        listening do not fulfill their obligation. But what is the halacha if the ba’al korei or the one listening only
        missed a word? The Rishonim dispute this point.

        r     Responsa of the Rashba 1:467                     זסת:א | א”בשרה ת”וש     . 30
        You asked regarding reading of the  Megilla if the   לכב  ןיוכל  עמושה  ךירצ  םא  הלגמה  תאירקב  תלאש
        listener has to have intention to hear every word…              ?…ותעימשב הביתו הבית
        Answer: …Regarding your doubt if the  reader    הב  טימשה  םא  ךל  קפתסנש  המב  לבא…  :הבושת
        missed even one word whether he must repeat [the
        Megilla] or not, it is not just a complete verse they    אקוד ואלו .ואל םא רזוח םא תחא הבית ’יפא ארוקה
        spoke about [in the Gemara], but even one word [is   …תחא הבית וליפא אלא ורמא דחא קוספ

        However, the Piskei Riaz (cited in the Shiltei Giborim on the Rif, Megilla 18b) writes that one must repeat it
        only if one omitted a word or a letter that changes the meaning of the entire story.
        The Mishna Berura writes that most poskim follow the opinion of the Rashba.

        a    Mishna Berura 690:5                                 ה:צרת | הרורב הנשמ    . 31
        Need to read it completely – This is imperative [i.e.,   בור  תעדו  .אבוכיעל  אוהו  –  הלוכ  התורקל  ךירצ
        the mitzva is not fulfilled if one does not]. According   אל תחא הבית קר הנממ רסיח םא וליפאש םיקסופה
        to most poskim, even if one missed only one word he                            :אצי
        hasn’t fulfilled his obligation.

        However, as is clear from elsewhere in the Shulchan Aruch (690:14), if one read the word improperly in a
        manner that does not change the meaning of the word itself, the reading is still valid.
        Although these rules may complicate the situation for one who misses a few words during the reading of the
        Megilla, the Mishna Berura in the next source also writes that in the event that one missed a word or more,
        one may read it from a printed Megilla. Many poskim suggest that it is preferable if possible for a person to
        have a kosher Megilla with him so he can fill in any missed words from a kosher Megilla.

        a    Mishna Berura 690:19                               טי:צרת | הרורב הנשמ    . 32

        Even if one missed one word, a number of poskim hold   אלד  םיקסופ המכ  תעד  תחא  הבית קר רסיח וליפא
        that one hasn’t fulfilled his obligation. Therefore, it is   דועב יכ שמוח דחא לכל תויהל לודג ךרוצ ןכלו ,אצי
        very important that each person has a Chumash [to    תובית המכ עומשל א”א אצויכו ןמה םירענה ןיכמש
        follow the reading], for while the children are making    לכ לע אצויו שמוחמ הפ לע ארוקש המ אצויו ,ץ”שמ
        noise for Haman, it is impossible to hear a few words                    .דבעיד םינפ
        from the reader [who continues to read], and he
        fulfills his obligation by reading by heart [i.e., not from
        a kosher Megilla] from the Chumash and this way he
        at least fulfills his obligation post facto.

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