Page 264 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 264
262 · Hilchot Purim Tzurba M’Rabanan
Mishloach Manot
The Megilla states that the Jews accepted upon themselves to send mishloach manot, gifts from one person
to another, every year on Purim. The Gemara defines mishloach manot as two foods given to one person, and
this is quoted in the Shulchan Aruch as well.
h Masechet Megilla 7a .ז הליגמ תכסמ . 39
Rav Yosef taught a beraita: “And of sending portions one to ”והערל שיא תונמ חולשמו“ :ףסוי בר ינת
another” (Esther 9:22), indicating two portions to one person. .דחא שיאל תונמ יתש – )בכ:ט רתסא(
a Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 695:4 ד:הצרת ח״וא | ע״וש . 40
One is obligated to send two portions of meat or other types of לש וא רשב תונמ יתש וריבחל חולשל בייח
food to another, as it says: “And sending portions one to another,” שיא תונמ חולשמו“ :רמאנש ,םילכוא ינימ
[indicating] two portions to one person. Anyone who increases הברמה לכו .דחא שיאל תונמ יתש ”והערל
[the amount] given to his friends is praiseworthy. .חבושמ – םיעירל חולשל
The Mishna Berura notes that since the Shulchan Aruch mentions “types of food,” one must give food
specifically, as opposed to clothing or other objects.
a Mishna Berura 695:20 כ:הצרת | הרורב הנשמ . 41
But one may not [give] clothes or other items. [However] drinks הקשמ ןידה אוהו םירבד יראשו םידגב אלו
are suitable like [food], as drinks are included in the category of יגס ןכו הליכא ללכב היתשד ימד ריפשד
food. Similarly, it is sufficient to give one food and one drink. ןימ היהיש ןניעבו הקשמ דחאו לכוא דחאב
And it needs to be a cooked food and not raw meat, as [the term] תונמ חולשמד יח רשב אלו לשובמה לכוא
mishloach manot [lit. portions] implies a food that is ready to eat םירמוא שיו עמשמ הליכאל דימ יוארה
immediately. But some say that since it is already slaughtered and :ירש דימ לשבתהל יוארו טוחש אוהש ןויכד
is ready to be cooked immediately it is permitted.
It would seem that this issue of whether one may fulfill the mitzva of mishloach manot with non-food items
should be dependent upon the reason for the mitzva, which is the subject of a dispute. According to the
Terumat Hadeshen, the purpose of mishloach manot is to ensure that each person has food for the Purim
se’uda, in which case only food would fulfill this requirement.
r Terumat Hadeshen, Siman 111 איק ןמיס | ןשדה תמורת . 42
Do people that send clothes and sheets and the like to their םירופב םהירבחל םיחלושה םדא ינב
friends on Purim fulfill their obligation of mishloach manot or not? חולשמ ידי םיאצוי ,ג”הכו םינידסו םיקולח
?ואל וא תונמ
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