Page 265 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 265

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                         םירופ תוכלה · 263

        Answer: It seems that they do not fulfill their obligation, for   םעט  הארנד  ןהב  םיאצוי  ןיאד  הארי  :הבושת
        it seems that the reason for the mitzva of mishloach manot   יד  דחא  לכל  אהיש  ידכ  אוה  תונמ  חולשמד
        is so that people will have enough food to enjoy the Purim    ארמגב עמשמדכ .אנידכ הדועסה םייקל קפסו
        meal as required. This is implied from the Gemara in the first    אנינח ברו ןיבא רב ייבאד ):ז הליגמ( אמק קרפ
        chapter (Megilla 7b) “that Abaye bar Avin and Rav Chanina    יקפנו ,ידדהב והייתודועס םיפלחמ ווה ןיבא רב
        bar Avin would exchange their meals with each other,” and    םושמ  אמעטד  אמלא  .תונמ  חולשמ  יכהב
        fulfilled  their  obligation  of  mishloach manot.  We  see  from
        this that the reason behind the mitzva is for the meal.                  .איה הדועס

        However, Rav Shlomo Alkabetz (author of Lecha Dodi) writes in his sefer Manot HaLevi that the reason for
        mishloach manot is to increase love and friendship between people.

        a    Manot HaLevi 9:21                                       אכ:ט | יולה תונמ   . 43

        And concerning [the reason for] the gifts… because through   ולהקנ הוחאו תוערמ ידי לע יכ …תונמה ןינעבו
        friendship and unity they gathered together and were saved,   …בוט  םוי  םוקמבו  ,תובבל  דוריפב  אל  ,ולוצינו
        not through the dividing of hearts. And instead of a festival…     .םינויבאל תונתמ רזג
        they decreed giving gifts to the poor.

        According to this logic, one could seemingly fulfill one’s obligation by giving clothes or other items to
        another, as these items also create friendship and unity.
        As we saw, the Mishna Berura cited above as well as other poskim are stringent in accordance with the
        opinion of the Terumat Hadeshen.  The Yalkut Yosef adds that even giving money which could be used to
        buy food is not valid.

        p    Yalkut Yosef,                                                  | ףסוי טוקלי   . 44
             Laws of Mishloach Manot 4                       ’ד ףיעס ,תונמ חולשמ יניד

        Even if one sends money to his friend in order that he be able   לכויש  ןפואב  וריבחל  תועמ  חלושה  וליפאו
        to buy food with it, he does not fulfill his obligation, for one   ךירצש ,ח”י אצוי וניא לכאמ תונמ םהב תונקל
        specifically needs to send portions [manot] of food or drink.  .התשמו לכאמ לש תונמ אקודב חולשל

        18.   It is interesting that although the Mishna Berura  clearly requires prepared food for mishloach manot,  he cited some who allowed giving
           slaughtered meat that was not yet cooked. Perhaps this opinion holds that one may send uncooked food as long as one can potentially cook
           or prepare it immediately and eat it shortly thereafter, it is considered as if it is prepared. This issue may be relevant with regard to whether one
           may send foods that must be heated up first or have water added (e.g., instant soups) as mishloach manot. [Addition of the editors of the English

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