Page 270 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 270
268 · Hilchot Purim Tzurba M’Rabanan
ii. Rema – We do repeat shehechiyanu, for the daytime reading is the main
mitzva (Magen Avraham).
iii. Mishna Berura – Have in mind when reciting the beracha of shehechiyanu
in the morning that it covers the other mitzvot of the day (and same for
Sefardim at night).
3. The Beracha After: Harav et Riveinu
a. Gemara/Shulchan Aruch – The beracha of harav et riveinu is recited after the
Megilla reading.
b. Rema – It is not recited when read in private.
c. Aruch HaShulchan – The custom is to recite it even in private.
d. Biur Halacha, Yalkut Yosef – One should not recite it with less than ten people.
Women and Megilla
1. Gemara – Women are also obligated in reading the Megilla.
2. Rashi – Women can even fulfill the mitzva on behalf of men.
3. Behag – Women cannot fulfill the mitzva on behalf of men.
4. Shulchan Aruch – Brings both opinions.
5. Rema – If a woman reads, she should recite the beracha “to hear the Megilla” and
not “to read the Megilla.”
6. Magen Avraham – The Rema holds a woman cannot fulfill the mitzva on behalf of a
7. Mishna Berura – There are two reasons for the more stringent approach:
a. Kavod Hatzibur.
b. Women only have an obligation to hear the Megilla, not to read it.
8. Peninei Halacha – Women should not read for men.
9. Yalkut Yosef – Although in principle it is permitted, women should not do it in
deference to the other opinions.
10. Chelkat Yaakov – Women don’t need to hear the Megilla in shul.
11. Chayei Adam – It is ideal for women to come to shul to hear the Megilla.
12. Peninei Halacha – Although women may read for a group of women and recite the
beracha, ideally if possible it is preferable for her to hear the Megilla in shul with the
whole congregation.
13. Shulchan Aruch/Mishna Berura – One should bring one’s children to shul to hear
the Megilla, but only on condition they do not disturb others.
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