Page 273 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 273
ןנברמ אברוצ םירופ תוכלה · 271
Further Iyun
Mishloach Manot and Recipients who Suffer from
Diabetes or Celiac Disease
Rav Ben-Tzion Shor (Participant, the Manhigut Toranit Program)
We are all accustomed to the mitzva to receive mishloach manot is mochel it?
of mishloach manot, and the fashion in The Rema rules that even if the intend-
which it takes place – namely, a platter ed recipient does not want to accept the
filled with foods full of sugar. However, mishloach manot, or alternatively he is
this situation raises a serious question. mochel, the sender has fulfilled the mitz-
What happens if one doesn’t know that va. However, the Pri Chadash disa-
one’s friend has diabetes and gives him grees and holds that mechila is not ac-
mishloach manot with sugar filled snacks which ceptable for the mitzva of mishloach manot, and
are forbidden to him? Does one fulfill the mitzva to fulfill one’s obligation the recipient has to ac-
even though the contents of the mishloach manot tually receive it.
are not edible to the recipient? Are we obligated The Chatam Sofer proposes the following ex-
to inquire among our friends and relatives if any- planation for their dispute. There are two known
one has diabetes in order to give them sugar free reasons for the mitzva of mishloach manot. The
mishloach manot? What if they prefer to keep it first is that every person will have what to eat for
quiet?! the Purim meal. The second is to add peace and
In order to answer the question, we will ex- friendship between Jews, contrary to Haman har-
plore the reason behind the mitzva of mishloach asha’s accusation “there is one nation scattered
manot, the different criteria needed to fulfill the and divided…” The Chatam Sofer ties these two
mitzva, and how these aspects influence our disputes together. The Rema holds like the latter
scenario. option; that the purpose is to increase peace and
friendship, and therefore no actual receiving is
Mechila – הליחמ necessary as long as good will is shown. Similar-
A good litmus test in defining the nature of the ly, when the recipient is mochel there is a strong-
mitzva is applying the concept of mechila (forego- er bond of friendship formed notwithstanding
ing). What happens if a person who is supposed the fact that he didn’t actually receive the food,
1. The same principle applies to sending gluten-filled mishloach manot to people who suffer from Celiac disease, though we will limit our discussion
to the diabetes example.
2. Rema O.C. 695:4
3. Darkei Moshe 695 brings the source of this halacha in the name of the Mahari Berin.
4. Commenting on Shulchan Aruch there
5. Responsa Chatam Sofer O.C. 196, Hagahot on the Shulchan Aruch
6. Responsa Terumat Hadeshen 111
7. Rav Shlomo Alkabetz in his sefer Manot HaLevi
8. Esther 3:8
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