Page 269 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 269

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                         םירופ תוכלה · 267

                      Summary of Hilchot Purim

                                          Ta’anit Esther

            1.  Source of the fast
               a.  Rabbeinu Tam  – It is based on the pasuk in Megillat Esther “the Jews gathered
                   together,” where the Jews fasted on the 13  and prayed for their lives.
               b.  Mishna Berura  – It is called the fast of Esther to remind us that Hashem hears
                   those who call out to him.
            2.  Halachic practice
               a.  Rema  – One may be more lenient regarding pregnant or nursing women or
                   someone who is sick with even a minor ailment on this fast than on other fasts.

                                  Zecher Lemachazit Hashekel

            1.  Age
               a.  Rema  – All over the age of twenty should give three half coins of the local
                   currency as a zecher lemachatzit hashekel.
               b.  Mishna Berura  – Brings poskim that one must start from age thirteen, a father
                   must give on behalf of minors, and a pregnant women must give on behalf of a
            2.  Amount
               a.  Gra, Kaf Hachaim  – Only one half coin of the local currency is given.
               b.  Rema  – Three half coins of the local currency are given.
               c.  Chazon Ovadia  – The minhag of the Sefardim is to give the value of half a coin
                   of silver of biblical times.

                                        Megilla Reading

            1.  Gemara/Shulchan Aruch  – One is obligated to read it at night and repeat it during
               the day.
            2.  The berachot before
               a.  Gemara/Shulchan Aruch  – One recites three berachot at night (mikra megilla,
                   she’asa nissim, and shehechiyanu).
               b.  During the day
                   i.  Shulchan Aruch  – We don’t repeat shehechiyanu.

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