Page 272 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 272

270 · Hilchot Purim                                                Tzurba M’Rabanan

                                        Mishloach Manot

            1.  Gemara and Shulchan Aruch  – One must give at least two portions to one person.
            2.  Mishna Berura  – One must give food and drink as opposed to clothes or other
            3.  Terumat Hadeshen  – The purpose of mishloach manot is that people have food to
               eat for the Purim seuda.
            4.  Manot HaLevi  – The purpose is to create friendship and unity.
            5.  Yalkut Yosef  – Even giving money to buy food is not acceptable.

                                      Matanot La’evyonim

            1.  Gemara  – Need to give two gifts to two poor people.
            2.  The amount to give
               a.  Ritva  – Even a peruta to each poor person is sufficient.
               b.  Shaarei Teshuva  – Each gift needs to be the value of a meal.
               c.  Mishna Berura  – The halacha is in accordance with the Ritva.
               d.  Contemporary poskim  – Nowadays one should try to fulfill the mitzva
                   according to the more stringent opinion if possible.
            3.  Time of giving
               a.  Pri Megadim  – The poor person needs to be able to benefit from the money on
                   Purim itself.
               b.  Biur Halacha  – Therefore, one shouldn’t give it before Purim lest they eat it
                   before Purim.
               c.  Be’er Heitev  – One may send it before Purim if it is received on Purim.
               d.  Aruch HaShulchan  – The critical time is when it is sent and not when it is
               e.  Piskei Teshuvot  – Most poskim rule in accordance with the Be’er Heitev.

            4.  Rema  – Women are also obligated to send mishloach manot and matanot la’evyonim,
               but it should be done from woman to woman, or from man to man.

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