Page 259 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 259
ןנברמ אברוצ םירופ תוכלה · 257
seems to be apparent from the words of the Mishna Berura תצקבו ל”זו ’כש ט”פרת ’יסר ב”מה ירבדמ
in the beginning of Siman 689 where he writes “and in תרזעל תסנכה תיבל תוכלוה ןהש ןיגהונ תומוקמ
some places the custom is that women go to the shul to םישנ םש ןיאצוי ךיא ע”צו ,האירקה עומשל םישנ
the women’s section to hear the Megilla, but this needs .ש”יע ןידכ םש עומשל א”אד
further study how they fulfill their obligation there, for it is
impossible to hear [the Megilla] properly there,” see there.
However, other poskim, such as the Chayei Adam in the next source, indicate that if a woman is capable of
hearing the Megilla properly in the women’s section, it is preferable to do so. 12
a Chayei Adam 155:7 ז:הנק םדא ייח . 25
It is an ideal mitzva to go to shul, he, his wife, and his ותשאו אוה תסנכה תיבל ךליל רחבומה ןמ הוצמ
children to hear the Megilla in public… …םע בורב הליגמה עומשל וינבו
The poskim also discuss the halacha where women do not attend the main Megilla reading in shul and a woman
reads for a group of other women. Rav Eliezer Melamed summarizes the issue in the Peninei Halacha:
p Peninei Halacha, Zemanim 15:7 ז:וט םינמז | הכלה ינינפ . 26
One woman may fulfill the obligation of another woman. .ןתבוח ידי תורחא םישנ איצוהל הלוכי השא
But some say that a woman cannot fulfill the obligation איצוהל הלוכי הניא השאש ,םירמוא שי םנמאו
of a group of women, because the halacha of reading the םישנל הליגמה תאירק ןידש ינפמ ,תובר םישנ
Megilla for a group of women is equivalent to reading the הניא השאש םשכו ,הרותה תאירק ןידכ תובר
Torah, and just as a woman may not read from the Torah, .הליגמ תובר םישנל ארקת אל ךכ הרותב תארוק
so too may she not read from the Megilla for many women. םישנ רובע תישענ האירקה רשאכש ,םירמוא שיו
And some say that when the reading is performed for
women [only], no beracha is recited (Ben Ish Chai, Kaf ח”הכ ,א הוצת א”ש יח שיא ןב( הילע םיכרבמ ןיא
Hachaim). However, the primary opinion is in accordance לש םבור בור תעדכ רקיעה םלוא .)טי ,טפרת
with the vast majority of poskim that a woman may fulfill תורחא םישנ איצוהל הלוכי השאש ,םיקסופה
the obligation of other women to read the Megilla, and she .םירבגה חסונכ הליחתב ךרבתו ,הליגמה תאירקב
should recite the beracha in the same manner as for a man… האירקה רחא ךרבת תארוקה ,םישנ רשע ןה םאו
but lechatchila it is preferable for women to hear the reading ףידע ,הליחתכל םנמא .’ונביר תא ברה‘ תכרב תא
of the Megilla from a man, to comply with all the opinions. ידכ ,רבגמ הליגמה תאירק תא ועמשי םישנש
And the best practice is that whoever is capable should hear ימ לכש ,רתויב בוטהו .תועדה לכ יפל ואציש
the Megilla in shul with the men, as with a larger group, the םע תסנכה תיבב הליגמה תא עמשת ,הלוכיש
miracle is publicized more.
.רתוי םסרפתמ סנה םע בורבש ,םירבגה
12. See also the Dirshu version of the Mishna Berura, Siman 689, #3, where it is noted that the Kaf HaChaim and Rav Chaim Kanievsky also hold
this way, the explanation being that the notion of reading the Megilla with a large group of people (berov am hadrat melech) applies to women as
well. By contrast, the Chelkat Ya’akov cited above as well as others cited in the Dirshu version of the Mishna Berura hold that this does not apply
to women. [Addition of the editors of the English edition]
13. In a case where one woman reads for one other woman, most poskim rule that there is no halachic problem, though a minority opinion holds that
it is preferable not to do so. See Mishna Berura 689:8 and Shaar Hatziun (16). [Addition of the editors of the English edition]
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