Page 7 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 7

Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                               Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                                          CONNECTION AND


             s the name of the city con-    the first cities to be conquered as a   (of Yehudah) and to the values of my
             notes, Hebron is a city that   stronghold for the entire mountain     nation. I am reminded of the faith and
      Aconnects  – from the gener-          range of Israel. King David understood   commitment displayed here by my
      ations of our patriarchs and matri-   this  as well, recognizing  that before   national fathers and mothers and like
      archs,  through Yehudah’s promise of   proceeding to conquer Yerushalayim    Calev, I am reminded “Aloh Na’Aleh” –
      kingship from Ya’akov, to King David,   from the Yevusim, he must first secure   we can rise up again!
      who established his capital city first in   leadership in Hebron as mandated by
      Hebron.                               G-d.                                   Upon my first trip to Israel at age 12,
                                                                                   my  parents  arranged  for  a  cousin  to
      When Moshe Rabbeinu sent repre-       Hebron also represents the fulfill-    take us to Gush Etzion and Hebron.
      sentatives of the tribes to survey the   ment of a tribal promise: when Ya’akov   I felt an immediate connection and
      Land of Israel, he commanded them     blesses Yehudah he promises: “The      decided then that I would one day
      to begin their surveillance from the   scepter shall not depart from Judah,   return to live in these hills. Fast for-
      south, from where the nation would    nor the ruler’s staff from between     ward 28 years – our son, Asher, was
      begin its conquest. From the very city   his feet … he washes his garments in   serving as a lieutenant in the Nachal
      that Ya’akov left for exile, they would   wine, and his vesture in the blood of   Brigade in Hebron. He was asked
      return to it as a fulfillment of the   grapes; His eyes shall be colored blue 6   to share a  Dvar Torah in  Ma’arat
      promises of redemption. They were     with wine, and his teeth white with    HaMachpela in honor of an Ameri-
      meant to fight against the giants there   milk.”  Yehudah is promised the home-  can boy named Jacob, who was there
      and then proceed with confidence to   stead of Ya’akov Avinu – Hebron, the   to celebrate his  bar mitzvah. Unbe-
      conquer the northern mountain range.   city of wine and milk; wine, from the   knownst to Asher, the boy was the
                                            abundant vineyards in the arid hills of
      For the majority of the Spies, Hebron   Judea, and milk from the flock of the   grandson of my childhood next-door
      represented a daunting “mission       Judean desert to the east of Hebron.   neighbors (Eddie and Rachelle Ber-
      impossible.” Calev, however, under-                                          kowitz and the son of Gary Berkowitz,
      stood that Hebron must and would      Hebron  connects  these  two  topo-    longtime supporters of Hebron)!
      be  conquered  first,  as  a  fulfillment  of   graphical areas of blue and white,
      G-d’s promises to the Avot. In fact, he   connecting the colors of our past with   The connection continues די ִ מ ָ ת ְ לּו ז ָ א ֵ מ –
      encouraged  the  nation:  “'We  should   our present. Hebron, the capital of the   then, now, and forever.
      go up at once, and possess it; for we   tribe of Yehudah, became the first cap-
      are well able to overcome it.” Rashi 3   ital city of the nation as David ruled   1   From the Hebrew word chaver.
      explains that the source of Calev’s   there for seven and a half years, and   2   According to the Midrash, it connects
      conviction emanated from his tefillah   still today serves as a prelude to the   Avraham to Adam HaRishon.
      at  Ma’arat HaMachpela, as the Mid-   establishment of a sovereign govern-   3   Bamidbar 13:22.
      rash   explains  –  when    Calev  went   ment in Yerushalayim.              4   Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer 26.
      to Hebron, he went to learn courage                                          5   Devarim 1:36.
      and inspiration from Avraham Avinu    I live with my family in the Judean hills   6   This is the Ramban’s explanation. Rashi
      who defended G-d against numerous     of  Gush Etzion.  Every  day  I have  the   explains the verse as eyes reddened.
      adversaries.                          zechut to travel the path of our Patri-  7   Bereishit 49:10-12.
                                            archs and the roads traversed by King
      Calev  is  therefore  promised   the  area   David. As I drive on “Derech Hebron,”
      of  Hebron, and  although the  nation   a main thoroughfare in Jerusalem,    Rabbanit Shani  Taragin is Educational
      did not merit to enter the Land from   I truly feel I am coming home – on    Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
      the south as originally intended, Calev   the path to Hebron. I am returning   Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators’ Program
      assured that Hebron would be among    to my parents and children, my tribe

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