Page 10 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 10

Rabbi Hershel Schachter

                              the first

                      jewish burial

             fter Sarah’s passing, Avraham   to sacred items) and those that are   because of the greater amount of
             Avinu   purchased   Ma’arat    ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ י ֵ ׁשי ִ מ ְ ׁש ַּ ת (objects used for the per-  words of Torah it contains!
      AHaMachpela as her burial             formance of a mitzvah) (Megillah 26b).
      plot. The Jew lives differently, dies dif-  Objects in the former category, such as   The same analysis applies to the phys-
      ferently, and is even buried differently.  Torah mantles and tefillin bags, must   ical body as well. In the case of non-
                                            be buried when they become unfit for   Jews, whose bodies enable them to
      The Torah formulates the  mitzvah                                            perform the seven Noachide  mitzvot,
      to bury the dead in the context of the   use since their  kedushah (holiness)   the  physical  body  falls  into the  cate-
                                            remains intact. In contrast, objects
      verse that refers to a person executed                                       gory of  ה ָ ו ְ צ ִּ מ  י ֵ ׁשי ִ מ ְ ׁש ַּ ת. Although fully
      by beit din:                          in the latter category, such as a lulav,
                                            shofar, or  tzitzit, may be discarded   deserving of respect while still able
      םי ִ הלֹ ֱ א ת ַ ל ְ ל ִ ק־יִּֽ כ אּוה ַ ה  םֹוי ַּ ב ּוּנ ֶ ר ְּ ב ְ ק ִּ ת  רֹוב ָ ק־יִּֽ כ   when they become unusable, since the   to perform the  mitzvot, these objects
      יּול ָּ ת – “You shall surely bury him on   object’s kedushah no longer exists.  lose their kedushah when they become
      that day, for a hanging person is a   The  Nefesh HaChayim explains that     unfit for use, that is, upon death.
      curse of G-d” (Devarim 21:23).
                                            the criterion to determine which cat-  In contrast, the body of the Jew,
      Rashi explains that a hanging body    egory a religious article belongs to is   infused with words of Torah learning,
      constitutes “a degradation of the King,   whether it contains or services written   falls into the category of ה ָ ׁ ּ ש ֻ ד ְ ק י ֵ ׁשי ִ מ ְ ׁש ַּ ת.
      for man is made in the likeness of His   words of Torah.                     These objects, even when they become
      image, and Yisrael are His children.”   This is because the root source of all   unusable, never lose their  kedushah
      Rashi’s interpretation alludes to an   kedushah is G-d Himself, and the      status and require genizah in the form
      important point. The verse does not   words of Torah are considered to be    of proper burial.
      mean that since all humans, including   a description of His Divine Essence.   Even the body of a non-observant
      non-Jews, are created  םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א  ם ֶ ל ֶ צ ְּ ב (in   This is why a Sefer Torah has more   Jew, through which Torah learn-
      the image of G-d), it would be consid-  kedushah than tefillin, and tefillin has   ing never flowed during his lifetime,
      ered a “curse of G-d” to leave the body   more than a mezuzah; the object with   was still exposed to words of Torah.
      uninterred, for the obligation to bury   a greater amount of written Torah has   The Gemara indicates that an angel
      the dead is limited to Jewish bodies.   a greater degree of  kedushah. Even
      Rather, the verse refers to the more   within the category of  tefillin,  the   teaches the entire Torah to every
      enhanced level of “the image of G-d”   shel rosh (of the head) has more kedu-  Jewish fetus. Although the newborn
      possessed only by Jews, referred to as   shah than the shel  yad (of the arm),   child does not consciously remember
      םֹוק ָּ מ ַ ל םיִנ ָ ב – “sons of the Omnipresent”   as it contains the additional letter  ש   the Torah studied in utero, that study
      (Avot 3:14).                          on the outside of its  bayit (box). The   still makes a subconscious impression,
                                                                                   and this is what endows every Jewish
      Since the verse could have been read   Rambam writes that the Aseret HaD-    soul with the status of ה ָ ׁ ּ ש ֻ ד ְ ק הָּי ִ פּוּג (the
      to  include  even  non-Jewish  bodies  in   ibrot  (Ten  Commandments)  engraved   sacred  item  itself)  and  every  Jewish
      the burial obligation, as they too were   on the original  luchot (tablets) were   body with the status of ה ָ ׁ ּ ש ֻ ד ְ ק י ֵ ׁשי ִ מ ְ ׁש ַּ ת.
      created in the Divine image, what was   the very same as those written in
      the basis of Chazal’s differentiation   every Sefer Torah, implying that the   This essay is from “Rav Schachter on
      between Jewish and non-Jewish bodies   “Author’s Copy” of the original luchot   the Parsha.”
      in regard to burial?                  themselves, although  priceless, would
                                            not have any more  kedushah than
      Perhaps the explanation is based on   any Torah scroll in our shuls today.   Rabbi Hershel Schachter  is Rosh Yeshiva
      the distinction between religious arti-  On the contrary, a Sefer Torah would   and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
      cles that are ה ָ ׁ ּ ש ֻ ד ְ ק י ֵ ׁשי ִ מ ְ ׁש ַּ ת (accessories   have more  kedushah than the  luchot   Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University

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