Page 14 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 14

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

                           Avraham Avinu

                          and ‘Real’ Estate

            he beginning of  Parashat       ever since his migration to Canaan he   2. AVRAHAM AVINU’S PERCEPTION
            Chayei Sarah is well known      spent much of his time traveling – to
     Tfor  its  detailed description of     and from cities – such as Shechem,     In contrast, Avraham Avinu perceived
      the bargaining between Avraham and    Bet-El, Hebron, and Beer Sheva.        his  situation  in an  entirely  different
      Efron.                                Having never established permanent     light. His wife’s death and the need for

      Some claim that Efron’s intention all   residence, Avraham represents no     a  burial  site  awakened  his  realization
                                                                                   that aside from a Divine promise, he
      along was to attain the highest price   challenge to the sovereign government   had no real ‘hold’ in the Land.
      possible, explaining  that  his generous   of the Chittim.
      opening offer to give Avraham the     Furthermore, Avraham constantly        For him, the purchase of a family
      land gratis was nothing more than a   ‘called out in the Name of G-d’ wher-  burial plot constituted the first step
      ploy.  But if this assumption were cor-  ever he went. His teaching had earned   towards  a  permanent  attachment  to
      rect, why would Sefer Bereishit find it   him such a widespread reputation   the Land.  He wants to ensure that
      necessary to discuss this event in such   that  Bnei Chet referred to him as   his children and grandchildren will
      minute detail?                        “nasi Elokim ata betocheinu” – you     return to this site and feel a true con-
      If, on the other hand, we assume that   are a prince of G-d in our midst. As   nection to the Land.
      the stories of Sefer Bereishit help   his career sent him constantly ‘on
      develop its theme of bechira – choice,   the road,’  Bnei Chet had no reason   Therefore, Avraham insists on paying
      then perhaps we should view this      to  believe  that  Avraham’s  offspring   the full price, as he has no interest at
      narrative from the perspective of that   would one day return to attempt to   this time for handouts or gifts.  He
      theme. Let’s give it a try.           gain sovereignty over their land.      wants it known that this burial plot
                                                                                   and its surrounding field belong to
      To better appreciate what’s going     Therefore, there is no need to doubt   his family. Therefore, not only does
      on,  let’s  examine  both  sides  of  the   the sincerity of their original offer   Avraham  insist  on paying full  price,
      bargaining table –  Bnei  Chet and    to grant Avraham any burial plot he    he also demands that it be purchased
      Avraham:                              desires, at no charge.  Even in our    in the presence of all the community
                                            own time, many societies express       leaders.” 3
      1. BNEI CHET’S PERCEPTION             their appreciation for individuals who
                                            preach morality and dedicate their     In Avraham Avinu’s eyes, this is a
      Efron and his people (Bnei Chet) reign   entire  life  to G-d  by  offering  vari-
      sovereign in Hebron and the sur-      ous benefits – what we call a ‘clergy   momentous occasion – he has now
      rounding region. As their families had   discount.’                          purchased  his  first  achuza  (inheri-
      been  living  in  those  hills  for  genera-                                 tance) in Eretz Canaan.
      tions, they have every reason to think   Their  generous  offer  simply  reflects
      that they would continue to do so for   their  sympathetic  understanding  of   1   See Bereishit 23:6.
      future generations as well.           Avraham’s difficult situation – a wan-  2   Ibid. 23:5-7.
                                            dering ‘man of G-d’ who needs a place   3   Read 23:16-20 carefully.
      In their eyes, Avraham is simply a
      ‘wandering Jew,’ posing no threat     to bury his wife. For  Bnei Chet, this
      whatsoever to their sovereignty.      entire incident was of little signifi-  Rabbi  Menachem   Leibtag  is  an
                                            cance  –  Avraham  posed  no threat to   internationally acclaimed  Tanach scholar
      Recall as well that Avraham had lived   their  future or permanent  control  of   and online Jewish education pioneer
      in Mesopotamia until age 75, and,     the land.                    

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