Page 18 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 18
Sivan Rahav Meir
Going Against The Norm
once heard a young man dressed
in the latest fashion ask another
I young man who was wearing
traditional Chassidic garb: “Do you
really think our forefather Avraham
dressed like you in black and white
and wore a hat like yours?” The Chas-
sid replied: “I am absolutely certain he
did not dress like me. And I am pos-
itive that he looked around to see the
latest fashion trends in his day and
then chose to wear the exact opposite.”
Although we now look up to Avraham
Avinu as a model for inspiration, in his
time he was considered to be an out-
sider and a fighter for his beliefs. His Some people promote a Judaism that Rabbi Nachman of Breslov offers an
values were the polar opposite of those “keeps up with the spirit of the times.” uplifting commentary on this verse:
of his time. We can be sure that Avraham’s first
appearance on the world’s stage did “This is the main purpose in life – to
In his commentary on Parashat not fit in to the spirit of the times in begin life anew every day. Even when
Chayei Sarah, Rabbi Samson Raphael Babylon, Assyria, Sidon, or Egypt. one becomes old, one should consider
Hirsch notes that Avraham is meant Just like Avraham Avinu, we too must himself to be an infant who has not
to give us, the Jewish people, the sometimes be courageous and have started living and serving G-d. Thus,
strength to stand as an alternative to complete faith in our inner truth. each day one should begin worshiping
the dominant culture and not to be G-d anew. Like our Matriarch Sarah,
assimilated into it. FOREVER YOUNG whenever a righteous person gets old,
No person can say, “I am righteous “And the life of Sarah was one hun- he should still consider himself to be
and honest according to currently dred years and twenty years and seven an infant. Thus, each day he will add
accepted standards.” Everyone is years; [these were] the years of the life to his worship of G-d so all the days
responsible for him or herself in front of Sarah” (Bereishit 23:1). and years of his life will really be years
of G-d. If you must choose between full of life, adding holiness and vital-
following the truth and following the Why does the opening verse of Chayei ity every single day. This is the true
way of the majority, you must follow Sarah describe Sarah’s lifespan in such meaning of long life.”
the truth, even if it places you in the a detailed manner instead of simply
minority. telling us she was 127 years old? Our Long life means every single minute is
Sages teach us that at the age of 100 a new beginning.
Had we not inherited from Avraham she was like 20, and at the age of 20,
the courage to be in the minority, how she was like 7. She was always young,
would we have been able to exist in always free of sin, and always had the Sivan Rahav Meir, a popular Israeli
the past and continue to do so in the fresh outlook of a person turning a journalist, broadcaster and author, is the
present? new page in the chapter of her life. World Mizrachi Shlicha to North America
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