Page 20 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 20

Sarah Nachshon

                      The Ancient Jewish

                     Cemetery in Hebron

         grew up in the village of Kfar     into the covenant of Avraham in        through ancient Hebron as night fell,
         Chassidim in northern Israel. My   Hebron,  the most  ancient  city of  the   determined to exercise the right and
     I family lived in a small shack, and   Jewish People in the Land of Israel,   merit of every Jew. We passed the Cave
      we didn't have any  toys or anything   be taken from me after only three     of Machpela. We passed the 450-year-
      else. I had only one dress, and if I   months? Everything in this world has   old  Abraham  Avinu  synagogue,  left
      wanted to wear another dress I had to   a purpose. What was the purpose of   in ruins, destroyed by the Jordanian
      trade with one of my friends. But I had   my three-month-old son?            conquerors in 1948. Blockades, set up
      a wonderful childhood. My parents                                            to stop the crowd, are pushed aside.
      taught me to be happy with what I     I decided that Avraham Yedidya         Senior officers gave orders over their
      had, and that is a value I have worked   would be buried in the ancient Jewish   walkie-talkies:  “Stop  them  –  don’t
      hard to pass on to my own children as   cemetery in Hebron.  The  cemetery   let them proceed” – but the soldiers
      well.                                 had been last used to inter the 67 Jews   radioed back: “We can’t stop them.
                                            slaughtered in the 1929 Hebron riots.
      Growing up, I learned from my         It is minutes from the graves of Ruth   If you want to stop them come down
      parents the value of self-sacrifice for   and Yishai (according to tradition)   here and do it yourselves.”
      the Land of Israel. I remember the    and overlooks the Cave of Machpela.    The procession continued, past Beit
      stories my parents told us about how   Perhaps this was Avraham Yedidya’s    Romano, Beit Schneerson, home of
      they fought against the British in    role, to play a sad but vital part in   Menucha  Rachel  Schneerson  Slonim,
      order to establish the State of Israel.   the renewal of Jewish Hebron. After   granddaughter of the “Ba’al HaTanya,”
      My parents taught me that if the Jews                                        up the steep hill to the ancient
      want  to  keep  the  Land  of  Israel,  we   almost 50 years, the Jewish cemetery
      must fight for it. If we don’t fight for it,   of Hebron would again be the site of a   cemetery.
      we will lose it, G-d forbid.          Jew’s last resting place.              Moonlight illuminated the field.
                                            It was late afternoon. The funeral     I reluctantly let go of my precious
      After the Six-Day War in 1967, my
      husband, Baruch, and I joined a group   procession  left  Kiryat  Arba  for  the   Avraham Yedidya, and his body was
      of idealistic activists determined    ancient Jewish cemetery. Then we       lowered into the tiny grave.
      to  reestablish  the ancient  Jewish   were  stopped  by  soldiers!  The  cars   The gravesite is only meters from
      community inside newly-liberated      came to a halt. Soldiers began opening   the mass grave of 1929. Barely able to
      Hebron.                               car doors, searching for something.    speak, I uttered: “4,000 years ago, our
                                            “No, you may not proceed to the
      In 1975, following the establishment of   cemetery,” the soldiers ordered the   Patriarch Abraham purchased Hebron
      Kiryat Arba, we celebrated the birth of   mourners, “The cemetery is off limits.”   for  the Jewish people  by burying his
      a son and decided to perform his brit                                        wife Sarah here. Tonight, Sarah is
      milah  inside  the  Cave  of  Machpela   I got out of the car with a bundle in my   repurchasing  Hebron  for  the  Jewish
      – the burial place of Avraham and     arms.                                  people by burying her son Avraham
      Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivka, Yaakov and   I asked the soldiers, “Are you looking   here.”
      Leah. We named our baby Avraham
      Yedidya. Yedidya means “friend of     for me – are you looking for my baby?   Written with the help of Noam Arnon.
      G-d.”                                 My name is Sarah Nachshon. Here is
                                            my  baby. If you  won’t  let  us drive to
      Three months later, I found Avraham   the cemetery, we will walk!”
      Yedidya in his crib, dead.                                                   Sarah  Nachshon  and  her  family  were
                                            We  walked.  Men  with  shovels  and   among the six original Jewish families to
      Why should my new son, brought        flashlights,  and  women,   walked     return to Hebron

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