Page 23 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 23

possessions and the souls that they had   which Abraham had bought from the   Hebron the greatest royal dynasty that
      acquired  in  Haran... and they came   Hittites.                             Israel ever had.
      to the Land of Canaan. And Abram
      passed through the Land until the     Before Jacob died in Egypt, after going   The city of Jerusalem, which became in
      place Shechem... and G-d appeared to   down there to see his son Joseph, he   the course of time – from the crowning
      Abram and said, “Unto your children   made  his  sons  promise  to  bury  him   of David until our own days – not
      shall I give this Land.” There Abram   with his fathers “in Hebron in the cave,   merely the most precious and Holy
      built an altar to G-d who had appeared   in Ephron the Hittite’s field, where were   City in the Land of Israel, but one of the
      to him, and Abram continued his       buried Abraham and his wife Sarah,     most revered cities in the world, is not
      journey southward... and Abram made   Isaac and his  wife  Rebecca and where   mentioned at all in the Five Books of
      his camp and came and settled in the   I buried Leah” (Genesis 49:29, 31). And   the Torah.
      Plains of Mamre that are in Hebron    that is what Joseph and his brothers   Further, after the reign of David, who
      and he built an altar to the Almighty.”   did. It is thus clear that only the three   captured  the city Jerusalem from the
      (Genesis 12).                         Patriarchs and the three Matriarchs of
                                            the Jewish People were buried in the   Jebusites and made it the eternal capital
      HEBREW HISTORY BEGINS IN HEBRON       Cave of Machpela.                      of  Israel, and  his  son,  King  Solomon,
                                                                                   built the Beit HaMikdash (Temple)
      In Hebron... there arose the first    However, the importance of Hebron      within it. After Solomon died, the
      Hebrew armed force, which battled     is not merely its role in the lives of   people of Israel came to crown his
      with  four  great  kings...  because  they   the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of   son Rechavam, not in Jerusalem, but
      had captured Abram’s nephew Lot and   our nation. After Saul, the first King   in Shechem. And of the 40 years of
      his property.                         of Israel fell upon his sword in the   David’s reign, he ruled seven and a half
                                            war with the Philistines, so that he   in Hebron, while Jerusalem, though
      When Abram heard this in Hebron,      might not be taken captive, and David   not mentioned at all in the Torah, was
      he immediately mobilized 318 of his   replaced him as King, David inquired   made by Israel’s greatest king into the
      followers and pursued the four kings   of G-d: “Shall I go up to one of the cities   city of holiness.
      up to Dan in the north, where he      of Judah?” And G-d answered: Go up!”
      attacked at night and destroyed them,   And David said: “Unto where shall I go   However, don’t forget: the beginnings
      and rescued  all the property and his   up?” And G-d answered” “To Hebron.”   of Israel’s greatest king were in Hebron,
      nephew Lot, the women and the rest    And  David  went  up  there...  and  the   the city to which came the first Hebrew
      of the captives. This was the first war   men of Judah came and anointed     about 800 years before King David, and
      in Jewish history, which ended not    David there as King of Judah” (Samuel   we will make a great and awful mistake
      merely with victory, but also with a   2,2:4). Finally, after the death of Abner,   if  we  fail  to  settle  Hebron,  neighbor
      demonstration of Abram’s breadth of   commander of Saul’s army, “and all     and predecessor of Jerusalem, with
      spirit...                             the tribes of Israel came to David in   a large Jewish settlement, constantly
                                            Hebron and proclaimed: “Behold we      growing and expanding, very soon.
      When Sarah died in Hebron at the age   are of the bone and flesh, and so it was   This will also be a blessing to our Arab
      of 127, Abraham turned to the Hittites   yesterday and the day before, while Saul   neighbors. Hebron is worthy to be
      to grant him a burial plot. After     was king over us, it was you who was   Jerusalem’s sister.
      prolonged and devious negotiations by   the leader of Israel; and the Almighty
      the  Hittites, Abraham paid 400  silver   has said, “You shall shepherd my people
      shekels to Ephron for his  field and  all   Israel and you shall be prince of Israel.”
      the trees surrounding its boundaries,   And all the elders of Israel came to the
      and it became his. And when Abraham   king in Hebron, and King David made    SDE BOKER
      died  38  years  later,  he  was  buried  by   a covenant with them in Hebron over   18 SHEVAT 5730
      his sons Isaac and Ishmael in the cave   Israel” (Samuel 2, 5:1-3). Thus arose in   JANUARY 25, 1970

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