Page 27 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 27

Rabbi Yishai Fleisher

          hebr   n, city ofLove

                hen you want to really con-  people has anything like it. Therefore,   designed in such a way as to reflect the
                nect with the founders  of   under any agreement Jews will live in   equality, partnership, and love of the
      Wthe  United  States,  you  can       Hebron.”                               founders of the Jewish peoplehood.
      go to the Jefferson or Lincoln Memo-
      rials in Washington, or go the extra   TWO BY TWO                            WHAT TO PRAY FOR IN HEBRON?
      mile to Mount Rushmore, where you     In  Parashat  Chayei Sarah, the Torah   If Jews can pray in Jerusalem – the
      can  see  the  busts  of  America’s  great   describes how Avraham came to   holiest  place  in  Judaism,  understood
      presidents, who proudly gaze out at   Hebron to bury his beloved wife Sarah   to be “G-d’s Abode” – then what
      the prosperous country they erected.  and “to eulogize and cry for her.”     is the purpose of the Machpela in
      These are all amazing men.            After the purchase of the Cave of      Hebron?

      But they are all amazing men.         Machpela and the burial was com-       Jerusalem’s power is theological – it’s
                                            pleted, the rest of the parasha is ded-  the place where you meet G-d.
      In contrast, the founders of Israel are   icated to Avraham’s efforts to secure a
      not just men. They are couples – hus-  wife for Yitzchak, a woman worthy of   But  Hebron’s  strength  is  genealogical
      bands and wives, mothers and fathers,   being Sarah’s successor.             – the place where you meet the found-
      who came together to create a family                                         ers of a holy nation, the people who
      and give birth to a nation.           Finally, after Rivka is found, and jour-  walked and forged the path of G-d, in
                                            neys to  join Yitzchak in the Land of   His service.
      When  you want  to connect  to  them,   Israel, the Torah relates one of its most
      you can journey to the 3,800-year-old   romantic verses:                     So what do we pray for here? To con-
      monument to their love, devotion,                                            tinue along the path our founders and
      and dedication to building the Jewish   “And Yitzchak brought her [Rivka] to   then all our ancestors walked – and
      people – at the Tomb of the Patriarchs   the tent of Sarah his mother, and he   hopefully, to pass it on to our children
      and Matriarchs in Hebron.             took Rivka, and she became his wife,   and our children’s children.
                                            and he loved her. And Yitzchak was
      THERE ISN’T ANYTHING LIKE IT          comforted for [the loss of] his mother.”  THE FIRST FAMILY OF ISRAEL

      In 2006, journalist Ari Shavit inter-  Where did Yitzchak and Rivka first    Throughout the year, hundreds of
      viewed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel   connect? In the field of Machpela in   thousands  arrive  in  Hebron  to  cele-
      Sharon – one of his last interviews   Hebron – where that love is still felt   brate family-building lifecycle events
      before his death – and asked him if he   today.                              like  Brit Mila, and  Bar and  Bat
      could “conceive that one day Jews will                                       Mitzvahs.
      not live in Hebron?”                  WHAT DOES ‘CENOTAPH’ MEAN?             Indeed, the vow that G-d made to the
      Sharon retorted. “Ben-Gurion called   The building atop the Tombs of the     founders, that He would ingather their
      Hebron Jerusalem’s elder sister. If we   Patriarchs and Matriarchs is a large   children to inherit the Holy Land and
      were a normal nation, when a visitor   shrine built 2,000 years ago by King   be a holy nation there, is coming to
      arrived here we would take him not to   Herod. The mammoth building has      fruition in our generations.
      Yad Vashem (the Holocaust Memorial    never been destroyed – only added on   When we, the children, come to
      Museum) but, rather, to Hebron.”      to.                                    Hebron, we give  nachas to the First
      “We’d take him to the place where our   Inside the building, six large tomb   Family of Israel, the founders of the
      roots are,” he continued. “No other   markers, or in Greek, cenotaphs, are   Jewish people, who love to see their
      people has a monument like the Tomb   arranged  symmetrically,  two by  two,   children thriving and following in
      of the Patriarchs, where Avraham      to represent the venerated couples     their holy footsteps.
      and Sarah are buried. And Yitzchak    buried in the cave complex below.      Rabbi Yishai  Fleisher  is the International
      and Rivka. And Ya’akov and Leah.      Even 2,000 years ago, the Tomb of      Spokesman for the Jewish Community of
      There isn’t anything like it. No other   the Patriarchs and Matriarchs was   Hebron

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