Page 28 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 28

Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein


                             on the path

      י ִ ת ֵ מ־ת ֶ א ה ָ ר ְּ ב ְ ק ֶ א ְ ו  יִּנ ֶּ מ ִ מ ח ַ ק ...ןֹור ְ פ ֶ ע־ל ֶ א ר ֵּ ב ַ דְי ַ ו   Avraham had the foresight to know   integral to the Jewish people. Whether
      ה ָּ מ ָֽ ׁש, “And Avraham said to Ephron…   that one day there would be BDS, BTS   you join us for one of our weekly
      Let me pay the price of the land;     (Breaking the Silence), EU anarchists,   tours or attend Shabbat Chayei Sarah,
      accept it from me, that I may bury my   New Israel Fund and others chal-     Hebron  will  be  a  highlight of  your
      dead there” (Bereishit 23:13).        lenging our right to live where our    next trip to Israel.
                                            forefathers and mothers lived and are
                hat was Avraham Avinu’s     buried. The universal language of all   On Shabbat  Chayei Sarah, Hebron
                strategy with Ephron the    nations is money – a financial trans-  welcomes tens of thousands of
      WHittite?                             action. By  purchasing it,  Avraham    Jews. Last year, some 50,000 people
      Let’s attempt to analyze what each    ensured our eternal connection to the   ascended the Judean Hills and joined
                                                                                   us in Hebron for Shabbat. Some guests
      side may have been thinking. Ephron’s   Land and to our Avot and Imahot.     from the USA and overseas come for
      perspective could have been: “Look at   As a nation, we continue on the path   a week or a weekend. This year, one
      this Jew Avraham. I know he wants     that Abraham forged for us.            guest even plans to land in Israel on
      this field for his wife Sarah so I will                                      Friday morning, spend Shabbat with
      price gouge him for 400 silver shekels.”                                     us and return to the USA on Motzei
      On the other hand, perhaps Avraham                                           Shabbat!
      realized that he was getting the keys to                                     The Hebron Fund VIP program offers
      eternity for only 400 silver shekels. A                                      as many as five delicious catered meals
      metziah! What a great deal!                                                  (don’t  bring  any  food!)  with  special
                                                                                   guests such as the Chief Rabbi, Mem-
      A bride and groom on their wedding
      day have similar sentiments – each                                           bers of Knesset as well as leaders and
      one of them feels as though “I got the                                       residents of the Jewish Community of
      better end of the deal! I can’t believe I                                    Hebron.
      got  such  an  amazing  person  to  share                                    Guests stay in apartments and suites.
      the rest of my life with!” It would be a   The Hebron Fund is the official   While not quite the Four Seasons in
      bracha if they  feel like this every day   sponsor  of  the  Jewish  Community  of   New York, it might as well be consid-
      and keep sharing and giving to their   Hebron.  We  support  Hebron’s  resi-  ering the options! (Many people pitch
      spouse.                               dents who enable access to ancient     tents  or  remove  the  car  battery  to
      Let us not forget that Ephron offered   Hebron and  Ma’arat HaMachpela.      sleep in their car.) We offer a 24-hour
                                                                                   tea and coffee room, exciting pro-
      the Cave for free and Avraham         Our  mission  also  includes  beautifi-  gramming, amazing tours and round-
      turned him down! Why would Avra-      cation and upkeep of Hebron’s Holy     trip coach transportation from Jerusa-
      ham choose to pay full price instead?   Sites; public events and Tourism; Israel   lem. And next year will be even better!
      Avraham knew that this was not only   advocacy and diplomacy; educational
      the entrance to Gan Eden but also     and recreational projects; and care for   Visit and join us in
      important real estate – physical and   the IDF Soldiers who protect our city.  Hebron on your next visit to Israel.
      spiritual – for the Jewish people. Had   Last  year, Hebron  had over  700,000   Book your tour at
      he accepted this “gift,” the nations of   visitors – making it one of the “Top   tour or sign up for next year’s Chayei
      the world may have turned around      10 Most Visited Sites in Israel!”  By   Sarah as we’re already planning
      one day declaring that the “gift” was   visiting and expressing how import-  ahead… Save the date: November
      really ‘just a loan’ or that Ephron later   ant Hebron is to you and your family,   13-14, 2020!
      changed his mind and didn’t intend to   you send a strong message to a hesi-  Rabbi  Daniel  Rosenstein  is  Executive
      give Avraham the land at all.         tant Israeli government that Hebron is   Director of the Hebron Fund

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