Page 33 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 33

Rabbi Stewart Weiss

               The Price of Life

            he title of our parasha, “Chayei   behind Avraham’s words is: “While   win it and a high price to maintain
            Sarah”  (the  life  of  Sarah)  –   I am not exactly ‘one of your kind,’   it. That price tag reads “Struggle,
      Twhich is one of just six parshiot    I have legitimate legal rights to this   Sacrifice and Stamina.”
      in the Torah named for a person – is   place.”
      particularly perplexing, as it begins                                        Sarah’s life – more than any other
      with Sarah’s death, not life. Chazal’s   And let us also not forget that     woman in the Torah – is one of
      famous comment that “the righteous,   Avraham was certainly not someone      continual hardship and heroism. She,
      even in death, are referred to as alive”   to be physically trifled with. He   no less than her husband, must leave
      is certainly apt, but might be used for   recently, in  Parashat Lech-Lecha,   her familiar surroundings behind and
      any  Biblical  hero.  Why choose Sarah   had gone to war and almost single-  bravely set out for a new Land. But she
      alone?                                handedly defeated the four  kings in   must also deal with numerous other
                                            battle, which undoubtedly would have   daunting challenges: the extreme
      Avraham approaches the Hittites       earned him a widespread reputation as   frustration of her infertility, her
      to purchase a burial site for Sarah.   a mighty warrior.                     belittling at the hands of her servant
      The negotiations for the Cave of                                             Hagar and her abduction by a foreign
      Machpelah don’t go very well for      So why does Avraham – who so deftly    power – not once, but twice! And then,
      Avraham;  he  is told  it will take  no   demonstrated the art of negotiation   finally, while Avraham and Yitzchak
      less than 400 silver coins to buy the   when he debated the fate of Sodom    both survive the intense ordeal of the
      lot.  And  these  are  not  your  run-of-  with G-d – meekly submit to Ephron’s   Akeida, Sarah does not; she dies from
      the-mill coins; the Torah refers to   pricey demand, readily dishing out the   the trauma.
      them as “Over LaSocher” – which the   money with virtually no negotiation at
      rabbis explain refers to a special mint   all?                               All of these enormous trials and
      of international currency (akin to gold,                                     tribulations combine to make Sarah
                                                                                   a model – the quintessential model –
      which is highly valued in any locale)   I suggest that Avraham is making a
      worth millions of shekels. Avraham    grand statement and sending out a      for all future generations to admire
                                                                                   and emulate. In a very real sense then,
      readily agrees to the terms.          profound  message  to  the generations:
                                            the value of something is directly     she  remains  alive;  an  ongoing,  living
      But why did Avraham submit to         proportional to the price paid for it,   testament to one of the great lessons
      this exorbitant price? After all, he   to  the  energy  and  expense  incurred   incumbent upon each one of us to
      certainly was justified in feeling    in both acquiring and keeping it. If   learn and embody. Sarah teaches us
      that he had a legitimate claim on the   it comes cheap, it  is cheap. Like an   that, when all is said and done, the
      land himself, in a promise (Bereishit   expensive, exclusive piece of art or   value of a life is directly equal to the
      12:7) that came directly from none    bottle of a prized, aged wine, the     price we pay for living it.
      other than the Almighty – the owner   very cost of the thing conveys its
      of  all the world’s real estate! In his   intrinsic worth. So it was with this
      conversation with Ephron, he remarks,   initial purchase in Eretz Yisrael. It
      “Ger v’toshav anochi imachem – I am   was important to establish, right from   Rabbi  Stewart  Weiss  is  Director  of  the
      a stranger and a resident among you.”   the start, that this Land is infinitely   Jewish Outreach Center of Ra’anana
      As Rashi explains, the deeper meaning   valuable; it  demands  a high  price to

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