Page 35 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 35

Revelation Under the   Prayer Rugs

      a big chisel to the prayer service.   No living being
                                            had  been  this
      As we began to sing and dance, a few   close to the
      of us made our way to the prayer rugs,   Patriarchs in
      lifted them up and exposed the stone.   t housa nds
      It was held in place by metal bars,   of   years.
      attached to other stones.             Each one
                                            of us down
      We began hammering with the chisel,   there   paused
      and soon the stone began to move. It   to contemplate the
      is difficult to describe our emotions as   significance of being in
      we lifted the stone to reveal the open-  the Caves of the Patriarchs, and
      ing. We lowered ourselves down onto   of praying here, next to Avraham,
      the stairs Michal had described, our   Yitzchak and Ya’akov, Sarah, Rivka,
      hearts pounding with excitement. The   and Leah, and Adam and Chava, “at    for
      stairs led to  a  narrow,  dark  corridor.   the entrance to the Garden of Eden.”   mercy.
      We walked slowly through the corri-                                         We did not
      dor,  stooping  down,  using  flashlights                                   dare touch these
      to guide our way. We reached the cir-                                       bones.
      cular room and looked around in the                                         Later, it became clear that the
      dark. There were three stones on the                                        pottery belonged to the First Temple
      wall but no sign of any cave or burial                                      Era, the era of the Judean Kings. The
      chamber. Were all our efforts in vain?                                      Jews of Hebron, and the Jews of all of
      Several minutes later, we had another                                       Judea, understanding the importance
      mystery to solve. We felt a breeze.                                         and significance of the Cave of Mach-
      How could that be? We were meters                                           pela, were instructed to bring this pot-
      underground! Looking down, we saw                                           tery into the underground caves.
      several stones that appeared to be                                          After   several  hours,  as   dawn
      stuck to each other. The wind seemed                                        approached, we were forced to leave
      to be emanating from in between                                             these  sacred  caverns,  so  as  not  to  be
      them. Within moments, our excite-                                           caught.
      ment  rising  by  the  second,  we  lifted
      the stones and saw… a cave.           We stood in silent prayer, in the pres-  On that night in 1981, we were privi-
                                            ence of Greatness.
      We  crawled  through  the very  narrow                                      leged to reveal the underground caves
                                                                                  within the Cave of Machpela, to pray
      opening into a circular cave filled with   Following this deeply spiritual expe-  there, to find ancient Jewish pottery
      dust.  We  continued  crawling  until   rience, we began to examine the
      the room widened, and then we saw     findings.                             from Bible times, and, for a few pre-
      a second cave. This cave was smaller   Could these be the bones of the      cious moments, to come close to our
      than the first, but there was another   Patriarchs?                         holy Fathers and Mothers.
      surprise awaiting us.                                                       Long life means every single minute is
                                            We knew that it says that “righteous
      Amidst the dust were bones and pot-   ones, even in death, are called living”   a new beginning.
      tery, some of which were in good      and that the Patriarchs, called the   Noam Arnon is the  Spokesman for the
      condition.                            “slumberers of Hebron,” wake and pray   Jewish Community of Hebron

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