Page 32 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 32

12 Facts about Hebron

           1. According to the Kabbalah, Avraham buried            7. The Ma’arat HaMachpela complex is the
            Sarah in Ma’arat HaMachpela because Adam               world’s oldest structure used for the same
                    and Chava are buried there.                         purpose for which it was erected.

              2. The indigenous Jewish community of                8. Since 2016, Hebron has had over 1,000
          Hebron comprises 3% of the total population of         Jewish residents, including over 300 students.
                          the city.

           3. Hebron is located 32                                                       9. Ma’arat HaMachpela
            kilometers south of                                                           receives over 700,000
                Jerusalem.                                                                    visitors a year.

               4. Hebron is                                                                10. Hebron lies 930
            mentioned 87 times                                                             meters (3,050 feet)
                in the Bible.                                                               above sea level.

              5. Hebron is one of the oldest
              continually occupied cities in the                     11. Archaeological evidence of Jewish life
           world and has been a major focus of religious            unearthed in Hebron has been dated back
                  worship for over three millennia.                               3,000 years.

            6. Hebron is home to many Jewish historical          12. Hebron’s Jewish community is surrounded
            sites such as the Tombs of Yishai and Ruth,            by approximately 9,000 residents of nearby
            Othniel Ben Knaz, Abner Ben Ner, and the Tel          Kiryat Arba and over a dozen communities in
                     Hevron archaeological site.                      the Har Hevron Regional Council area.

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