Page 34 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 34
Revelation Under the Prayer Rugs
Noam Arnon uncovers the mystery of the Cave of Machpela
hen we returned to Using the dark night as a cover, Michal her from continuing. She tried to move
Hebron in 1967, we obvi- was brought to the site. The opening the stone but to no avail. It wouldn’t
Wously had strong yearn- was uncovered and Michal was low- budge. Having no other choice, she
ings to enter the Cave of Machpela, ered down. The atmosphere was tense turned around, descended the stairs,
and to express our gratitude to the as she disappeared from sight. and headed back to the small room
G-d of our forefathers at the tombs via the narrow corridor. There, she
of those very forefathers. However, was lifted back into the Yitzchak Hall,
the Minister of Defense at the time, unharmed, to the relief of all present.
Moshe Dayan, had given the keys
– and with them, the responsibility Dayan noted her findings and
for this site – to the Muslim Waqf. sketched the underground caves as she
had described them: a circular room,
The Waqf made every effort to pre- a corridor, and the stairs. The caves
vent any permanent Jewish presence at themselves remained a mystery.
the site. They even attempted to stop
Jewish worship altogether. Years later, a group of us from Hebron-
Kiryat Arba, and in particular the staff
Upon realizing the consequences of of Midreshet Hebron, were awed at the
his actions, Dayan, an amateur arche- thought of entering the underground
ologist, tried to seek information caves in the Cave of Machpela. Moshe
concerning the underground caverns, As we began Dayan’s story had piqued our curios-
thought to be the actual site of our ity and sparked our determination to
forefathers’ graves. Any formal or offi- to sing and find a way into the caves. Of course we
cial investigation was impossible. He dance, a few could not enter via the small circular
therefore decided upon an unusual of us made entrance, like Michal had done. How-
method to quench his curiosity. our way to ever, she had reported that she had
Within the large hall of the cave, the prayer climbed stairs blocked off by a stone.
Where could that stone be?
known as “the Yitzchak Hall,” there rugs, lifted
is a hole in the floor from which can- them up and We measured the distance she had
dles are lowered into the cave below. spoken of and discovered that the
According to rumors, this was an exposed stone was on the other side of the
entrance into the actual cave tombs the stone. Yitzchak Hall, covered by Muslim
themselves. However, the diameter of prayer rugs. The area was always full
the hole was extremely narrow – 26 Michal found herself in a round room, of people. How could we succeed in
centimeters. No adult could possibly with a floor covered with coins, can- moving the stone, thereby allowing us
fit through this opening, but Dayan dles, and written notes. Looking to descend into the caves?
found a solution. Michal Arbel, the around, she saw a narrow, dark cor-
slim 12-year-old daughter of Security ridor, to the south. The brave girl We found the answer during the
Chief Yehuda Arbel, agreed to be low- entered this hallway and after 17 month of Elul in 1981, the month of
ered into the shaft. meters discovered a stairwell. mercy and repentance preceding Rosh
Hashanah. We began saying Selichot
One misty night in 1967, Dayan In total darkness, she climbed the (the special prayers of repentance)
ordered the Muslim guards to leave steps. every evening at midnight. The Waqf’s
the building. He told them they must guards were not overly alert or awake
leave “for security reasons.” They had After 15 steps, she found a wall block- at that time of night and easily fell
no idea what was about to take place. ing her way. A large stone prevented asleep. When we saw this, we brought
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