Page 30 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 30

                                                     1540         Magen Avot
                                                  Rabbi Malkiel    Sephardi         1893
                                                    Ashkenazi        Kollel      Ground floor      1929
     1735 BCE                         1165        buys land and   Organization   completed of   Riots. Hebron
       Avraham                       Rambam         builds the     purchases     the “Chessed    Massacre.
     comes to the    1007 BCE      visits Hebron   Jewish Quarter   area today   LeAvraham”         Jews
     Land of Israel   David is       and prays       and the      known as the   Health Clinic,   banished,
     and settles in   anointed king   at Ma’arat   Avraham Avinu   wholesale       later Beit    community
        Hebron        in Hebron     HaMachpela      Synagogue       market        Hadassah       destroyed

                                                           Hebron  Timeline

            1675 BCE         30 BCE          1267           1748           1839            1912           1948
              Avraham       Construction   Jews banned   First Chassidic   Sir Moses        The        State of Israel
             purchases      of enormous    from Ma’arat   immigrants      Montefiore     Lubavitcher     is reborn.
              Ma’arat       edifice over   HaMachpela.    arrive. Rabbi    and Lady     Rebbe, Rabbi      Hebron
             HaMachpela       Ma’arat     Ramban visits    Abraham        Montefiore     Shalom Ber     conquered
                            HaMachpela     Hebron “to      Gershon of    visit Hebron,   Schneerson,    by Jordan.
                             by Herod       acquire a    Kitov, brother-  take a census   buys Beit    Jewish Quarter
                                           burial site.”  in-law of the                   Romano       and cemetery
                                                          Ba’al Shem                     and founds    demolished.
                                                           Tov, visits                 Yeshivat "Torat   Avraham Avinu
                                                                                           Emet."       Synagogue
                                                                                                        becomes a
                                                                                                        trash heap
                                                                                                        and animal

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