Page 26 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 26
Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum
Three Altars,
Three Temples
he first time Hebron is men- is unique in that the Kohanim do will be built in the merit of Hebron,
tioned in the Torah is when not receive any portion of it and the the altar of friendship and connection;
TAvraham returns from Egypt owner does not eat any of it. It is all the altar of ׁש ֶ פֶנ תּורי ִ ס ְ מ – altruistic
and pitches his tent on the plains of consumed on the altar as a total gift to devotion.
Mamre (Bereishit 13:18). G-d.
Thank G-d, since 1995, I have had the
The Torah describes Avraham Often, we serve G-d on the level of privilege of living in Hebron with my
building an altar to G-d in Hebron. He “give and take.” You G-d sustained wife and six children. Shortly after
erected two other altars upon arriving and maintained me (with land and the Oslo Accords, at a time when the
in the Land, one in Shechem and one children), so I would now like to Israeli Government wanted to evict
in Beit-El. reciprocate the relationship with an the Jews from Hebron, we joined the
offering. At other times, when we err unique community of ׁש ֶ פֶנ תּורי ִ ס ְ מ Jews,
The Ramban lists ן ָ מי ִ ס תֹוב ָ א ה ֵ ׂש ֲ ע ַ מ
םיִנ ָ בְ ל, “the acts of the forefathers are in judgment or action, we must bring a willing to give up everything (ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק
a sign for the children”, as one of the sacrifice to atone for the sin. However, ה ָ ל ֹוע) for the high ideals of keeping all
themes of the book of Bereishit. The there is a relationship with G-d in of Israel intact and connecting Am
Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that which no external circumstance Yisrael to their roots through Ma’arat
Avraham’s three altars act as a prelude prompts the giving. The only reason HaMachpela. Today there are close to
to the sacrifices that will be brought is to come close to G-d. My sole 90 families living in Biblical Hebron,
in the future Temple. Upon arriving intention, on the level of a ה ָ ל ֹוע ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק, surrounded by over 100,000 Arabs.
in Israel, Avraham was promised land is to do something for G-d without
and children. When hearing the good expecting anything in return. I invite all of you to ‘join’ the Jewish
news, he built an altar in gratitude This is precisely the altar that community of Hebron by expressing
to G-d. When Avraham visited the Avraham built in Hebron. The root your own ׁש ֶ פֶנ תּורי ִ ס ְ מ in helping us
Beit-El region, Avraham “calls out in of Hebron in Hebrew is ר ֵ ב ָ ח or רּו ּ ב ִ ח, maintain our Jewish presence and
the name of G-d.” Rashi explains that to connect or befriend, without any autonomy here in Hebron. The
Avraham sensed a heaviness in Ai, ulterior motive. Not because of good Hebron Fund runs weekly tours
foreshadowing the future downfall from Yerushalayim to Hebron, in
of 36 soldiers in Yehoshua Bin-Nun’s news (םי ִ מ ָ ל ְ ׁש ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק), or because of sin fulfillment of the verse: “Walk about
or atonement (ם ָ ׁש ָ א תא ָּ ט ַ ח ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק), just a
army. To offset the evil decree and the Land, through its length and its
bring atonement, Avraham built an “soul connection” (ה ָ ל ֹוע ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק). breadth, for I give it to you” (Bereishit
altar. The Rebbe concludes his discourse 13:17).
by making an analogy of the three
However, the Rebbe points out that Drawing our strength and motivation
when Avraham arrives in Hebron altars to the Three Temples. The from that first altar built in Hebron
and builds an altar there, there are First Temple built by King Solomon by Avraham Avinu, we are paving the
no external reasons for his action. No corresponds to the םי ִ מ ָ ל ְ ׁש offering. way for the ultimate building of the
promises of good tidings (children Am Yisrael was in its euphoric state Third Temple, may it be speedily in
and land), no offsetting evil decrees. during this era. However, we fell from our days.
The altar of Hebron was the altar grandeur and were exiled for 70 years.
corresponding to the future ה ָ ל ֹוע ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק, When we returned to Eretz Yisrael,
the burnt offering. we returned as Ba’alei Teshuva to
building the Second Temple, which
As we know, each ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק has different corresponds to the ם ָ ׁש ָ א תא ָּ ט ַ ח offering. Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum is Director of
laws of consumption. The ה ָ ל ֹוע ן ַּ ב ְ ר ָ ק However, the final and eternal Temple Tourism at the Hebron Fund
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