Page 22 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 22

According to the book  Year Zero of
                                                                                   the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1929 by
                                                                                   Hillel Cohen:
                                                                                   “Sefer Chevron was edited by Oded
                                                                                   Avisar, scion of an old Hebron
                                                                                   family. At a meeting they held in
                                                                                   Jerusalem in 1958, when Hebron
                                                                                   was under Jordanian rule, the
                                                                                   members  of  the  Jewish  community
                                                                                   that had fled Hebron decided to
                                                                                   write the book. The volume would
                                                                                   serve as a memorial book, similar to
                                                                                   those produced by survivors from
                                                                                   Jewish   communities     destroyed
                                                                                   in the Holocaust, Avisar said at
                                                                                   the gathering. Testimonies and
                          Ben-                                                     and money to produce the book was
                                                                                   documents were slowly gathered,

                                                                                   collected. Twelve years later, when
                                                                                   the  project was  completed and the
                                                                                   book published, Hebron was under
                   Gurion                                                          David Ben-Gurion,  Israel’s  first
                                                                                   Israeli rule...”

                                                                                   Prime Minister, was asked to write
                                                                                   the introduction to the book:

                                                                                   THREE CITIES hold a great and
                                                                                   unique place in the ancient history of
                                   and                                             our people: Shechem, Hebron and Jeru-
                                                                                   salem.  In  the  Book  of  Genesis  we  are
                 Hebron                                                            his nephew Lot and his daughter-in-law
                                                                                   told that Terach took his son Abram,

                                                                                   Sarai, Abram’s wife, and left Ur Kasdim
                                                                                   bound for Canaan. On route, they
                                                                                   reached Haran and dwelt there. Terach
                                                                                   died in Haran.
                                                                                   Then the Almighty said to Abram:
                                                                                   “Go forth from your land, from your
                                                                                   birthplace and from your father’s house
                                                                                   to the land that I shall show you... and
                                                                                   Abram went forth as he had been told
                                                                                   by G-d... and he took with him Sarai
                                                                                   his wife, Lot his nephew, all their

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