Page 31 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 31

                      OCTOBER 9
                     First person                                                  2008
        1967         to descend                       1981                         Defense
        JUNE 8       into Ma’arat                 Team of Jewish                 Minister Ehud
        Hebron       HaMachpela                     residents                    Barak orders      2016
       liberated,     in modern                      descend      1993–94        the expulsion     Hebron
     Rabbi Shlomo    times under                   into Ma’arat     Wave of       of Jews from   community
     Goren waves     the auspices     1979         HaMachpela,      terrorist   Beit HaShalom   concludes the
      Israeli flag    of Defense    Women and          first       attacks kill   after they had   purchase of
      at Ma’arat      Minister     children enter   excavation in   and wound    lived there for   Beit Rachel
      HaMachpela    Moshe Dayan     Beit Hadassa  modern times      dozens        20 months       and Leah

 Hebron  Timeline

               1968           1971           1980           1986            2007           2010           2017
                APRIL        Residents         MAY       Families move     Hebron        Israel adds      AUGUST
               Jewish        move into       Six Jews     into renewed    community       Ma’arat         Jewish
              residents     Kiryat Arba,   murdered at   Beit Hadassah    concludes     HaMachpela      community
               return.     the new Jewish   Beit Hadassah.               the purchase     to a list of   of Hebron
              Passover      city adjacent   Government                      of Beit      150 national     granted
            Seder at Park    to Hebron      decides to                    HaShalom.     heritage sites  independent
                Hotel                       renew the                   Jewish families                  municipal
                                             Hebron                        populate                       status
                                           community.                    4,000 square
                                                                          building on
                                                                         road between
                                                                          Hebron and
                                                                          Kiryat Arba

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