Page 39 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 39
Rabbi David Katz
A Tale of Two Cities
hebron and jerusalem
ebron is the Ir HaAvot (City within Rashi that perhaps Avraham
of the Forefathers) and where was forced to wander around the hills
HAvraham and Sarah settle after of Yerushalayim for the extra two days
they arrive in Eretz Cana’an on their until G-d would actually tell him which MMY, Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim, is
“Lech Lecha” journey and a quick stint mountain to go to. an advanced womens’ seminary located in
in Egypt. Sarah also dies in Hebron, in Two long and boring days with nothing Baka, Jerusalem. It is MMY’s conviction that
reaction to the news of the Akeidah, to do? According to this suggestion, it Torah study, for women as for men, must
according to several Midrashim. be conducted seriously, intellectually and
would seem the point was for him to analytically. This is accomplished through
In between, we know that Avraham and wallow in doubt and that this lack of intensive textual study, with a major
Sarah spent considerable time in Be’er clarity was part of the nisayon (test) of emphasis on Beit Midrash preparation in
Sheva and the surrounding area and the Akeidah. all disciplines. It is also MMY’s firm belief
living in Eretz Plishtim (Philistine land). Although there is a major theological that the purpose of all learning must be
Therefore, it would be logical to assume debate as to what Avraham and Sarah to inspire and develop genuine religious
that they are living in Hebron when the were thinking when G-d commanded growth.
command for the Akeidah is given. Avraham to sacrifice their beloved son, As a Religious Zionist school in every sense
However, the Torah tells us that Avra- Rashi’s explanation seems to lead to the of the term, MMY emphasizes the absolute
ham returns from the Akeidah to Be’er conclusion that this nisayon was a real centrality of both Eretz Yisrael and Medinat
Sheva and the commentators explain challenge to our Avot’s commitment to Yisrael. Aliyah, as well as involvement in the
that he has to come specially to Hebron G-d’s command. many needs of Am Yisrael, are stressed as
upon hearing of his wife’s untimely If so, in the spirit of ma’aseh avot siman essential components of Avodat Hashem.
death. Rashi claims that this post- l’banim (the actions of the fathers are All of this is fostered in an environment
Akeidah trip to Be’er Sheva was only a sign to the children), we can be con- of openness and warmth and the ongoing
a quick detour and in fact, our Avot fident that we too can rise above our relationships between students and faculty,
were living in Hebron at the time of the nisyonot and not feel paralyzed when and amongst the student body.
departure for the Akeidah. 6 confronted with hesitations and doubts. To enhance the breadth of material that
The Ramban disagrees and places Avra- Hebron is the departure point – where they study, MMYers put their learning
ham and Sarah in Be’er Sheva, therefore we are grounded and settled. Hebron, into action by going out to the places the
not aligning with the Midrashim that from the root “chibur,” connectedness, stories actually took place and studying
connect her death to that traumatic is where we feel attached. But the jour- on-location via Shabbatonim, tiyulim and
event nor to the inference that Avra- ney towards Yerushalayim, spirituality volunteer opportunities. Their learning is
ham’s arrival in Hebron to bury his wife and full service of G-d, is fraught with more meaningful because they have the
was a special trip. The Ramban’s time- twists and turns and the willingness to opportunity to add an image to the words,
focusing on Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael.
line places the Akeidah’s Be’er Sheva sacrifice for G-d.
connection 12 years before Sarah’s
Hebron death. 1 Bereishit 13:18.
2 Rashi ibid 23:2.
But Rashi’s view is problematic. Hebron 3 Ibid 21:34 (and Rashi).
to Yerushalayim is only a one-day hike 4 Ibid 22:19.
while Be’er Sheva to Yerushalayim takes 5 Rashi ibid 23:2.
three days – I tested this personally 6 Rashi ibid 22:19. Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim
when I was in yeshiva! We know the 7 Ramban ibid 23:2.
walk to the Akeidah took Avraham 8 Ibid 22:4.
three days, so how can Rashi’s geogra- Rabbi David Katz is Director of MMY
phy make sense? The Ramban suggests (Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim)
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