Page 38 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 38


                                                                                    Rabbi Shalom Rosner

                                                        the Symbol                                                              A Tale of Two Cities

                                                    of Connection                                                                 hebron and jerusalem

                                                   s every bride (kallah) and      But some suggest that the  hashkafic
                                                   groom (chatan) stand under      linkage goes in the exact opposite
                                            Atheir chuppah and the groom           direction, from marriage to land
      Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh has established   places a ring on the bride’s finger   acquisition.
      itself as a center for high-level Torah   and recites “harei at mekudeshet li”
      learning and an incubator for exceptional   (Behold you are sanctified (betrothed)   Our link to the Land of Israel is like a
      talmidei chachamim.                   to me…), they are fulfilling the       marriage!
      The Beit Midrash, from which the sounds of   ancient practice of performing Jewish   When Avraham Avinu purchased
      spirited debate echo deep into the night, is   marriage through  kidushei kesef, a   Ma’arat  HaMachpela,  he  created  an
      the center of the wider yeshiva community,   transfer of an asset from the chatan to
      uniting the  bachurim, the  kollel families,   the kallah.                   eternal bond that can never be broken.
      and  the  families  of  the  ramim  and  staff,                              We  are  the  only  people  in  world
      remaining the unquestionable nucleus of   The source of this practice is based
      yeshiva life.                         on the Talmud (Kiddushin 2a)           history that never forgot its homeland,
                                            which quotes a  gezeira shava, a       constantly praying and yearning for
      The Overseas Program draws foreign    halachic connection between the        the ability to return to her borders.
      students from five continents. With such a   kinyan (acquisition) of marriage   It  is  a  loving  marriage,  where  both
      wide and well-distributed pool of students,   and  the  kinyan  of  land.  This   sides are constantly yearning for the
      the overseas group melds together     halachic  mechanism,  titled  kicha    companionship of the other.
      remarkably leading to meaningful lifelong   kicha  m’sdei  Ephron,  sets  up  the
      friendships.                                                                 Rabbi Abba (Sanhedrin 98A) even
                                            halachic basis for  marriage,  but the
      All of this takes place in the irreplaceable   hashkafic underpinnings  still  require   expounds a verse in Yechezkel,
      and incomparable aura of Eretz Yisrael.   elaboration.                       prophesying that the Land of Israel
      With numerous classes and lectures                                           would not blossom and produce
      conducted in Hebrew, a student body   What can be the underlying messages    bounty  until  her spouse returns,  a
      primarily  comprised  of  active  and  linking marriage with buying a parcel   prophecy whose fulfillment we are
      former soldiers in the IDF, and constant   of land in Eretz Yisrael?         meriting to see, following the return
      consciousness  of  the  privilege  to  live  and                             after a 2,000 year hiatus.
      learn in the Promised Land, students forge   Some suggest that the  hashkafic
      an eternal bond with Eretz Yisrael.   linkage  should  be  from  land  to    Hebron, then, is the symbol of the
                                            marriage. In the context of Ephron     beginning of our eternal connection,
                                            and Avraham, each assumed and was      or better yet, marriage, to the Land of
                                            confident that they  received the  best   Israel. Maybe that is why it is called
                                            deal, the  better  side  of  the  bargain.   Hebron, highlighting the  chibbur
                                            Ephron counted his  shekalim and       (connection) that each and every Jew
                                            couldn’t fathom how one would give     has to our homeland. Parashat Chayei
                                            such a large sum for a cave and a      Sarah each year is an opportune time
                                            couple of stones. Avraham couldn’t
                                            believe that he merited buying the     to rededicate and reinvigorate our
                                            gateway to the Heavenly Worlds for     feelings of recognition and gratitude of
             Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh        a finite amount of  shekalim. So too   our eternal connection to G-d’s home
                +972-8-856-2007                                                    on earth, the Land of Israel.
                     each  chatan  and  kallah  should  feel
               that they received the best deal in the   Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at Yeshivat
                                            world! My spouse is the most amazing   Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of the Nofei
                                            person in the universe!                HaShemesh community

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