Page 30 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 30
Lt. Colonel (res.) Rabbi Yedidya Atlas
s we enter the double days to mean that if necessary, in certain Even the body of the greatest rabbinic
of Israel’s Yom HaZikaron circumstances, one makes G-d’s Name scholar is considered ה ָ א ְ מּוט should he
A and Yom HaAtzmaut this holy by sacrificing one’s life. pass away in old age or after illness. It
week, I reflect on the meaning of this must undergo a ה ָ ר ֳ ה ָ ט procedure prior
juxtaposition of official holidays – one The concept of dying 'ה ׁשּו ּ ד ִ ק ל ַ ע, “in to burial. Yet the body of the most
representing the ultimate sadness of a sanctification of G-d’s Name”, is well irreligious soldier, should he fall in battle
people, the second, the ultimate national known. But Yom HaZikaron in Israel defending his Nation and Land – and
joy. puts it in a definitive perspective. even if his uniform and equipment are
soaked with his blood – is buried as is,
My first thoughts turn to Parashat Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neria points out without ה ָ ר ֳ ה ָ ט, because he is considered
Kedoshim, where it is written: “Speak that we connect the concept of death to have died in holiness.
to the congregation of the Children of with the perception of ה ָ א ְ מּוט (spiritual
Israel, and say to them: ‘You shall be uncleanliness). This is because ה ָ ר ֳ ה ָ ט His very act of fighting Israel’s enemies
holy, because I, the L-rd your G-d, am (spiritual cleanliness) is connected to gives his death this special meaning. He
holy” (Leviticus 19:2). The Chatam creation, to creativity, with holiness is has sanctified G-d’s Holy Name by his
Sofer writes: “[these words] teach achieved only through action. Death is final action on this earth. His death has
us that they were said to the people the ending of the creative act and hence meaning. It is not merely life leaving his
who were congregated together, not it is ה ָ א ְ מּוט. But this not the case when body. It is the ultimate sacrifice of a Jew.
calling for a holiness by segregation or death comes through ׁש ֶ פ ֶנ תּורי ִ ס ְ מ, “self- And whether or not he understood the
abstinence, but rather by being holy sacrifice”, to sanctify G-d’s Holy Name. full meaning of his sacrifice, his death
as part of the congregation and being Such a death is holy. It is a death that is was 'ה ׁשּו ּ ד ִ ק ל ַ ע and his body is ר ֹוה ָ ט.
involved with one’s fellow man.” The not the end of creativity, but the ultimate
Sefat Emet adds to this: “It is only Therefore, it is no accident that we
by unity in Klal Yisrael do we merit creative act. celebrate – yes, celebrate – Yom
becoming holy. As it is written: For the As a veteran rabbi in the IDF reserves, HaZikaron as a prelude to Yom
HaAtzmaut. It has been arranged that
L-rd your G-d goes in the midst of your part of my job is to deal with soldiers
camp – the word ךי ֶנ ֲ ח ַ מ, “your camp”, is who have fallen in the line of duty. way so that we can put Yom HaAtzmaut
in the singular – (Deuteronomy 23:15), Having had the תּוכ ְז (merit) to fulfill into its true spiritual context. We go
ה ָ ח ְ מ ִ ׁש ְ ל ן ֹוג ָּי ִ מ – from sorrow to joy – and
thus G-d will dwell in your midst when such a mitzvah several dozen times with we do so understanding the enormity
‘your camp’ is one, complete and united.”
fallen soldiers and terror victims – and of the sacrifice of the men and women
After comprehending this basic necessity deal with death in ה ָ ר ֳ ה ָ ט – I have been of previous generations – and those of
of being an active, involved part of a able to understand the great distinction our own – in returning our holy nation
holy nation with all its component between a death of ה ָ א ְ מּוט and a death of to its holy Land. And thus we are able to
sectors united as one, I returned to my ה ָ ר ֳ ה ָ ט. better understand our own responsibility
reflections of previous years. and commitment to build the Land and
a united nation in a manner that will also
In Parashat Emor it is written: “And I sanctify G-d’s holy Name… in life.
will be sanctified among the Children
of Israel…” (Leviticus 22:32). Rashi Lt. Colonel (res.) Rabbi Yedidya Atlas
explains that this verse implies a positive is a veteran journalist specializing in
act of sanctification, that this act of geo-political and geo-strategic affairs
making G-d’s Name holy is understood in the Middle East