Page 34 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 34
Rabbi Shalom Rosner
s you all know, we who have Zechariah is telling us that the process of us, in addition to extra םי ִּ ל ִ ה ְּ ת and
the privilege of living in Eretz of geula (redemption), is not a smooth Torah learning, needs to commit to
A Yisrael go through our normal and easy journey. It has many challenges, spreading a little more ם ָני ִ ח ת ַ ב ֲ ה ַ א
lives and daily routines while being painful and difficult moments, but it is (baseless love). There is too much strife
somewhat apprehensive each time we still a journey leading to our ultimate in our communities today. A little more
check the news. We are heartbroken destiny. patience in our relationships, in our
when we hear of another ַ עּוּג ִּ פ (terrorist All of us who live here, each and every shuls, on the road, with our children.
attack), another orphan or widow, or day, recognize and appreciate these A ד ֶ ס ֶ ח ה ֵ ׂש ֲ ע ַ מ (charitable act) is done
another person admitted to the closest prophetic words. Our geula process has purely for the purpose of chesed, a smile
hospital. Yes, we are living in challenging taken almost 2,000 years. We have had or a helping hand even to someone we
times. But allow me to share a relevant many trials and tribulations throughout aren’t particularly close with.
thought, which hopefully could give us the ages, but we are still here, against all We lost the Beit HaMikdash due to
some feelings of encouragement. odds – י ַ ח ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי ם ַ ע. ם ָני ִ ח ת ַ א ְנ ִ ׂש (baseless hate) and we need
to show G-d that we are ready to get it
The Navi Zechariah (9:9) tells us דֹא ְ מ We are heading towards the final stages
א ֹוב ָי ך ֵּ כ ְ ל ַ מ ה ֵּנ ִ ה ם ִַ ל ָ ׁשּורְי ת ַּ ב י ִ עי ִ ר ָ ה ן ֹוּי ִ צ ת ַּ ב of the process, and Eretz Yisrael – as back. Who knows which act, which
ר ֹומ ֲ ח ַ ה ל ַ ע ב ֵ כֹר ְ ו י ִנ ָ ע אּוה ע ָ ׁש ֹונ ְ ו קי ִ ּ ד ַ צ ך ָ ל. always – is on center stage. We feel part chesed, is finally going to put us over the
Zechariah tells us to celebrate, sing with of G-d’s chosen nation, even and maybe top.
joy, your ַ חי ִ ׁש ָּ מ ַ ה ך ֶ ל ֶ מ (Messiah) is on due to the fact that those around us are Knowing that Jews around the world
his way, riding on a glamorous donkey! trying to erase our existence. י ֵני ֵ ע די ִ מ ָּ ת are all coming together in prayer,
Not a horse, or stallion, but a ר ֹומ ֲ ח ּ ה ָּ ב ךי ֶ קלֹ ֱ א 'ה, “G-d’s eyes are always on Psalms and chesed –as well as just
(donkey). Why does he describe ַ חי ִ ׁש ָּ מ Eretz Yisrael.” We thank G-d on a daily feeling the pain with us – gives us the
in these terms? If anyone has ever ridden basis for the privilege of living here, strength to overcome any challenge
a donkey, it’s an unusual experience. and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the that may lie ahead. So on this day of
Unlike a horse, which basically gives a world. We just pray that we are nearing Yom HaAtzmaut, full of celebration, let
smooth and straight ride, a donkey starts the end of our journey. us pray that we are really able to sing
and stops, goes backwards, sideways, and In a connected vein, Rav Hirsch writes and dance in fulfillment of Zechariah’s
then goes back on its path. Eventually, that whenever tragedy or national prophecy, speedily in our days.
it reaches the destination but only after calamities befall Am Yisrael, we cannot Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at
an exhausting and somewhat frustrating ask “why?” but “what?” What can I Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh and Rabbi of
journey. do, how can I react? I think that each the Nofei HaShemesh community
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