Page 37 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 37
Two Orphans Marry! The organization also spearheaded a
campaign helping 500 needy terror
When both parents have been murdered, victims celebrating Pesach. These people
OneFamily steps in, filling the void, are unable to hold down jobs because
providing hands on support through of their physical injuries and mental
all stages of the orphans’ lives. The trauma. Some are faced with the dire
organization helps with studies, jobs and dilemma of choosing how to use what
personal issues. little money they have left – whether to
purchase medication, pay for medical
At a recent Orphans Division retreat,
members were able to enjoy a pain-free treatment or put food on the table.
environment, and talk freely about their One mother of four, severely injured in
fears and daily challenges. The relaxed a suicide bomb attack, went through a
atmosphere allows them to strengthen long and arduous recuperation process
personal ties between siblings and others, and was then diagnosed with cancer. She
unwind, receive hugs and moral support. travels to and from hospital to undergo
It helps them to become more resilient. Avigdor Gavish and Ayelet Dikstein on Brooklyn Bridge (Sarah Levine) radiation treatment and chemotherapy,
and returns home exhausted. Because of
And that’s not all. provide them with the ability to function her condition she is unable to work and
in life. Couples who participated in a
Even amongst the pain, the loss and the recent workshop said it contributed her husband’s salary barely covers the
sadness, we share the good times too. greatly to the quality of their daily lives most basic costs. OneFamily is there for
For example, the upcoming wedding and marital functioning and boosted them.
of Avigdor Gavish and Ayelet Dikstein, their self-confidence and esteem. Last month, OneFamily was chosen to
who met at OneFamily. Both lost their be featured at the General Assembly
parents and a sibling in terror attacks And Still More…
17 years ago. Since then, OneFamily has at the AIPAC Policy Conference in
become their second home. OneFamily also runs a Young Adult Washington. Michal Belzberg, the
Division. During the latest three-day Bat Mitzvah girl who founded the
The two have managed to rehabilitate retreat in the north of Israel, 40 men organization 18 years ago, told the
and rebuild their lives. Avigdor has and women expressed how necessary 18,000 attendees about how we help
degrees in industrial engineering these breaks are: “It’s the only place I thousands of Israeli terror victims to
and music. He recently released an can express myself freely without being move forward and rebuild their lives.
album called “New Day,” in which he judged,” one of the participants wrote.
composed the music, wrote the lyrics Chantal Belzberg says: “What is unique
about OneFamily is that we have a
and performed the vocals. Ayelet is Another member of the group wrote, staff of professionals reaching out to
a practicing dance and movement “I don’t know where I would be today terror victims and their families at the
therapist. without OneFamily. I don’t know if I
would even still be alive. OneFamily hospitals, during the shiva, and after
Dealing with PTSD picked me up, lifted me when I fell, their friends and relatives have gone
when I was afraid or lost control, and home. They hold their hands and make
A person is driving home, enjoying strengthened my self-confidence.” sure they know that whenever they need
a walk, going shopping, on the way anything, there’s always someone for
to work or just sitting at home, and them to turn to. Always.”
suddenly – without any warning or
preparation – their world is turned
upside-down. They experience
helplessness, problems in interpersonal OneFamily USA
relationships, inability to function, 1029 Teaneck Road, Suite 3B
difficulty in sleeping and extreme mental Teaneck, NJ 07666
and physical anguish. The situation (866)913-2645
impacts the entire family, extended US Federal Tax ID 11-3585917
family and friends.
“We saw the need and created a unique Facebook: OneFamilyTogether
program for PTSD,” says Belzberg. The Email:
program is designed to help sufferers and Website:
their spouses develop skills to cope with
their trauma, improve their relationships OneFamily Israel
with each other and their children and Participants at a OneFamily retreat (Meir Pawlowski) Phone: 011-972-2-539-9000